[Dune] Commit rules on the release branch.

Robert Kloefkorn robertk at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Jan 25 11:47:13 CET 2007

Hi Oli,

You are right. This bug fix looks more like a feature.
The thing is, that once there was a method in Grape, where one could
investigate the boundary ids of a grid. This is a very useful feature to
check whether the boundary ids of a grid are correct or not.

Somehow, Andreas and myself, we couldn't figure out why, this method
disappeared. If I had found a way to make this available with less
pieces of code, I would have done that. Unfortunately, I haven't.
So I considered this a bug, although there was no fly spray task and so
on. From our point of view, this bug should be fixed before 1.0.

That was, why I also commited this to the release branch.




  Robert Klöfkorn           <robertk at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de>

  Mathematisches Institut              Tel: +49 (0) 761 203 5631
  Abt. für Angewandte Mathematik       Fax: +49 (0) 761 203 5632
  Universität Freiburg
  Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
  79104 Freiburg


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