[Dune] [#435] autogen thinks that space in dune.module are mandatory

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Mon Oct 6 18:25:23 CEST 2008


A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Markus Blatt (mblatt) 

Attached to Project - Dune
Summary - autogen thinks that space in dune.module are mandatory
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Common
Status - New
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Unspecified / All
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - SVN
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - With revision 5295 spaces after the colon in dune.module silently
became mandatory. Running dunecontrol autogen with a dune.module line


fails with:

--- calling autogen for dune-richards ---
Found am directory /home/mblatt/dune/trunk/dune-common/am
--> libtoolize...
Remember to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `configure.ac'.

  Execute COMMANDS for all Dune modules found. All entries in the
  DUNE_CONTROL_PATH variable are scanned recursively for Dune modules.
  If DUNE_CONTROL_PATH is empty, the current directory is scanned.
  Dependencies are controlled by the dune.module files.

  -h, --help         show this help
      --debug        enable debug output of this script
      --module=mod   only apply the actions on module mod
                     and all modules it depends on
      --only=mod     only apply the actions on module mod
                     and not the modules it depends on
      --current      only apply the actions on the current module,
                     the one in whichs source tree we are standing
      --opts=FILE    load default options from FILE
                     (see dune-common/doc/example.opts)
      --[COMMAND]-opts=opts   set options for COMMAND
                     (this is mainly useful for the all COMMAND)
  Colon seperated list of commands. Availabel commands are:
  `help'        guess what :-)
  `print'       print the list of modules sorted after their dependencies
  `update'      updated all modules from the repository
  `autogen'     run the autogen.sh script for each module
  `configure'   run configure for each module
  `make'        run make for each module
  `all'         run 'autogen', 'configure' and 'make' command for each module
  `exec'        execute an arbitrary command in each module directory
  `status'      show vc status for all modules
  `svn'         run svn command for each svn managed module
  `export'      run eval `dunecontrol export` to save the list of
                dune.module files to the DUNE_CONTROL_PATH variable

ERROR: Parameter for --only is missing

Execution of dunecontrol terminated due to errors!
--- Failed to build dune-richards ---
Execution of dunecontrol terminated due to errors!

IMHO this is changed behaviour and therefore considered a bug.

Added spaces after the colons fixed the problem

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