[Dune] Discussion Topic for Next Dune Developers' Meeting

Oswald Benedikt Benedikt.Oswald at psi.ch
Fri Aug 14 08:43:05 CEST 2009

Dear Dune Developers, since the next developers' meeting is currently discussed, I have a suggestion to bring along.

I should first state that we here at PSI use Dune on Linux almost since it was released to the general public and we are
enthusiastic about it. Since it allows us to concentrate on physics modeling and much less on programming problems,
e.g. compared with UG that I have also used for quite some time.

Now, since Dune compiles usually very well also on Mac OS X platforms, much of my development work happens
on this platform, later I run the same code on Linux clusters and on the Cray XT5 in Manno.

After this lengthy introduction, I bluntly dare to suggest:

think of making Dune available on the Windows platform as well, make the adaptations
required so that it compiles without any hassle. For example the Qt GUI project does this

Before you bury me under a heap of protest, let me say, I DO NOT LIKE windows,  I find it uncool
and an uninspired operating system.

Nevertheless, it is a fact of life that it is very widespread and, therefore, it could help to further the cause
of Dune to a much wider audience in the long run.

Just that you get me right, I will as long as I can determine it, never switch to Windows for development!

But think on the impact if Dune is suddenly available to a much wider audience!

Have a nice day! Benedikt Oswald

Benedikt Oswald, Dr. sc. techn., dipl. El. Ing. ETH, www.psi.ch, Computational Accelerator Scientist
Paul Scherrer  Institute (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen, Suisse, benedikt.oswald at psi.ch, +41(0)56 310 32 12

"Passion is required for any great work, and for the Revolution passion and audacity are required in big doses.", 
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, Letter to his parents.


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