[Dune] [#575] ALU3dSimplexGrid adapt() causes failing assertion if iterators still exist.

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Tue Jul 7 17:57:48 CEST 2009


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#575 - ALU3dSimplexGrid adapt() causes failing assertion if iterators still exist.
User who did this - Oliver Sander (sander)

As a user I do not see why I shouldn't be allowed to keep dangling iterators when I modify the grid.  Of course they will be invalid afterwards, but as a knowledgeable programmer I know this.  Furthermore, iterators are EntityPointers by inheritance, hence it would be very counterintuitive to have them behave differently.

This comment concerns the grid interface.  If the ALUGrid implementation really has to assert then I'd file it as a known issue.

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