[Dune] [#671] GridFactory: index translation for coarse grid creation

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Mon Nov 30 11:51:06 CET 2009


A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Christian Engwer (christi) 

Attached to Project - Dune
Summary - GridFactory: index translation for coarse grid creation
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Grid
Status - New
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Unspecified / All
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 1.1
Due in Version - 2.0
Due Date - Undecided
Details - From the protocol:

Data stored in files must be associated with entities in a grid-file. The GridFactory must provide the necessary infrastructure…

Two proposals:

   1.      level-0 elements/vertices/(boundary-segments) are numbered in the order of insertion (only level-0-indexSet).
   2.      add some kind of indexSet to translate between insertionIndex and entityIndex (methods on the grid factory).

Both indices are only valid until you first modify the grid (e.g. refine, load balance).


    *      (1) is easier fo the user
    *      (1) principle of least surprise
    *      (1) helps for debugging
    *      (1) requires changes to the grid managers
    *      (2) imposes less restrictions on future grids
    *      (2) more efficient (for certain grids) during computation
    *      (2) requires reorder of data during setup phase


   1.      insertion order: 5
   2.      indexSet: 6
   3.      abstained: 3

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