[Dune] [#220] Is it safe to call method father()?

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Sat Oct 3 14:47:24 CEST 2009


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#220 - Is it safe to call method father()?
User who did this - Andreas Dedner (dedner)

I do not understand why an exception should be a good idea. intersection.outside()
does not throw an exception for example, we just say that is is undefined if 
intersection.neighbor() is false. Therefore I thunk it is consistent and easy to
understand for a user, if we introduce a bool method on the entity returning true
if there is a father. A like to have a consistent concept in the interface design,
and an exception which I can not prevent in any way as far as I see does not seem
such a good idea

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