[Dune] [#700] Remove C0LocalBasis base class and traits

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Wed Jan 13 11:20:59 CET 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#700 - Remove C0LocalBasis base class and traits
User who did this - Andreas Dedner (dedner)

My suggestion was to say that we expect jacobian to always be implemented - so that
really is part of the interface and if a DUNE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED can then be used.
VirtualLocalBasisInterface<0> would then be equal to VirtualLocalBasisInterface<0>
(or <0> is just not meaningful).
The case that only mixed derivatives are not implemented would not be covered by
this approach and that seems to me to be a bit to fine granularity. In that case I
would say the class should be derived from VirtualLocalBasisInterface<1> and 
then a non-interface method laplace can be added for example. Then anybody can use this
function but knows that non-interface stuff is used.

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