[Dune] Working with buffer in CommDataHandleIF ?

Benedikt Oswald benedikt.oswald at psi.ch
Wed May 12 12:32:45 CEST 2010

Dear Dune, I have a question related to the CommDataHandleIF:

If I use the MessageBuffer like a vector, i.e. like this:

		MessageBuffer& buff

		for(unsigned int dof=0;dof<ndof;++dof)
			DataType x = v_[dofmapper_.template  

I also read it on the receiving side like this:

		for(unsigned int dof=0;dof<ndof;++dof)
			DataType x;
			v_[dofmapper_.template global<CODIM>(indexset_.index(entity),dof)]  
+= x;

is that the right thing to do ?

Thanks for some clarification and have a good day! Benedikt

Benedikt Oswald, Dr. sc. techn., dipl. El. Ing. ETH, www.psi.ch,  
Computational Accelerator Scientist, http://amas.web.psi.ch
Paul Scherrer  Institute (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen, Suisse, benedikt.oswald at psi.ch 
, +41(0)56 310 32 12

"Passion is required for any great work, and for the revolution  
passion and audacity are required in big doses.",
  Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, Letter to his parents.

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