[Dune] [#987] build system: do not force all modules to place their headers in $DUNE_MODULE_ROOT/dune/

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Tue Dec 6 10:55:59 CET 2011


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#987 - build system: do not force all modules to place their headers in $DUNE_MODULE_ROOT/dune/
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

@Christian: Does this mean a module containing everything in a subdirectory dumux and just adding dune/dumux.hh is a full dune module?

To me, this seems an artificial restriction the check, because there is no technical reason to enforce the headers to be in a dune subfolder.

On the other hand, I agree that a true DUNE module has all its headers in a subdirectory dune. In this sense, I would suggest to add a CHECK_MODULES macro that does not enforce the subdirectory and make DUNE_CHECK_MODULES just call this one (this the trivial change to the path). This way, we avoid unnecessary code duplication.

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