[Dune] [#860] DUNE Parser for GMSH confusing $PhysicalNames section with $Nodes Section in a .msh file

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Tue Jan 4 18:56:48 CET 2011


A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Alex Evanovic (alex.evanovic) 

Attached to Project - Dune
Summary - DUNE Parser for GMSH confusing $PhysicalNames section with $Nodes Section in a .msh file
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - IO
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Linux
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - SVN (pre2.1)
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - The DUNE Parser for GMSH is confusing the $PhysicalNames section in a .msh file with $Nodes section. If I try to read in a .msh file, I get IO errors. If I delete the $PhysicalNames section from the .msh file, only then I am able to read it into DUNE.

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