[Dune] [#1029] Fix list of supported build utilities

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Thu Apr 19 09:21:43 CEST 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#1029 - Fix list of supported build utilities
User who did this - Bård Skaflestad (bska)

For information only,

Some of our customers have mature cluster systems for which GCC 4.1.2 is the most recent compiler (and especially run-time support library) package provided by the system vendor. I won't exclude the possibility of convincing these customers to upgrade their compiler, but in all likelyhood such a process will require recertification of the clusters. In other words: more than a year's effort.

If Dune chooses to require, say, GCC 4.4+, we will have no choice by to base our solution on older and gradually unsupported releases of Dune.

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