[Dune] [#1094] Compiling Generic Reference Elements Requires too much Memory (Attachment added)

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Thu Apr 26 22:50:07 CEST 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#1094 - Compiling Generic Reference Elements Requires too much Memory
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

The amount of memory required by the compiler can be abount halfed, if the mappings are not created. I prepared a small patch that specializes GenericReferenceElement< void, dim > to contain only the topological information of the reference element. To avoid code duplication, I derived GenericReferenceElement< ctype, dim > from GenericReferenceElement< void, dim >. The patch also corrects a minor inconsistency: The volume was a double, independent of ctype.

Still, 5G for compiling the topological information of the 5d reference element is far too much...

Are there any objections to committing this patch? Despite its size, it is not really invasive (in my opinion). If possible, I would like to have this in the 2.2 release. The reason is that topological information is used in many places, sometimes using ctype=double just to have something. These could then be replaced by void as early as possible.

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