[Dune] [#1094] Compiling Generic Reference Elements Requires too much Memory

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Thu May 3 20:02:08 CEST 2012


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#1094 - Compiling Generic Reference Elements Requires too much Memory
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

I don't mind waiting a little either. But waiting for a "compiler expert" (whoever this should be) to have a look is going to take like half a year (just a guess, of course) and I'm not willing to wait this long. Moreover, I did not want to put unnecessary pressure onto anybody. It's just that "let's discuss it" has become like the answer to every request, unfortunately the only one in some cases (e.g., periodicity). And I did want to avoid that, because the alternative is either me being called autocrative or the complete final patch be rejected due to lacking discussion (or both, we've had all that).

Moreover, only very few developers are actually responding to requests. Oli: You're one of the positive exceptions, here.

With respect to a release process: I thought the branch has been created, i.e., the release is no longer influenced by changes to the trunk (in theory). And my original question was, of course, when and how to settle this problem (in the short run, e.g., 2 month).

But after this discussion I think it best to prepare the complete patch in a branch (in my usual autocratic manner) and merge it back when it's done (or partly, or not...). Am I kindly allowed to do this within the branches subdirectory? We can then discuss it on the meeting. Maybe we can even set it up for last issue, like periodicity, and postpone it for another three years ;-).

Sorry if some of this sounds like a burnt child. My apologies, if anybodys feelings got hurt; it was not intended. I know all of you are doing their best to make DUNE a success.

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