[Dune-devel] dune-alugrid: dune/alugrid/impl/test

Andreas Dedner a.s.dedner at warwick.ac.uk
Tue Feb 24 16:37:49 CET 2015

Hi Markus.
The reason was that (at least during development) it is a bit simpler to
not have the stuff in the library so that a change leads to a remake and 
one does not have to rebuild the library. But all this does not have to 
be done
during a call to make test.

On 24/02/15 14:33, Markus Blatt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently unintentionally debugging Zoltan usage in ALUGrid
> (cmake) *Sigh*. Is there a special reason why you guys rebuild all
> source (already in the library) in directory dune/alugrid/impl/test
> during make test? The time needed for building is very long!
> Markus
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