[Dune-devel] [GSoC]

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Thu Aug 11 16:21:18 CEST 2016

Hi Xinyun,

thanks for the update.

> I spent some time to read the source code and debug into the VTKWriter but still made no success.  I fixed some errors and there are still dozens of errors left.

Can you push the errors that you fixed?  I don't see them in your source tree.

> On the one hand, some functions required for VTKWriter were missing in my classes but I had no clue what are expected from them, for example, the /comm()/ function of girdView.

You can basically copy the comm() Method from OneDGrid -- the ones for your grids should work the same.
Only difference: for OneDGrid the method is in the grid itself (in the file onedgrid.hh, line 356).
In your grids it should be in the grid view.

> On the other hand, most errors involve with my naive iterators. I am not able to quickly expand them.

Can you be more precise?  What's missing?  What kind of problems do you have?

> But  I believe only the element iterator and vertex iterator are required for the VTKWriter, the intersectionIterator is not needed.

I think this is correct.

> Another issue is I have to submit my thesis in two weeks which is of vital importance for me now so I could not spare much time on the debugging which is cumbersome and time-consuming.

Well, Google expects you to work full time during the entire three months.  On the other hand,
theses are important, so do what you have to do.

> Thus, I propose a compromise solution, how about writing my own VTKwriter for my IGA grids? It also takes the gridView as input and generates a VTK file automatically. Then the long VTK file generating code is  hidden from the user. 

To be honest I think that this is a waste of your time.  I am not interested in VTK writing per se.
VTK writing is simply a means to check whether a certain subset of the Dune grid interface is
correctly implemented.  I'd rather you try to fix as many bugs when trying to use the real VTKWriter
as possible.

> After finishing my thesis, I promise to come back to this problem. At least, the vertex entity and iterator is definitely in my plan. Hope very much you can understand.

Okay, good.

> Last but not least, the final evaluation starts at 23th, August. Google reminded us to discuss with our mentors on how to submit our work. Is is OK to submit my code repository and blog? Or what else should I prepare? 

Code and blog is fine with me.  Maybe you can write a final larger blog post summing up what
happened throughout the project.

> If needed, I think I also need some time on documentation and clean up.

Documentation and cleanup is always appreciated.


> Thanks,
> Xinyun

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