[Dune-devel] How to proceed with deprecation of DUNE_UNUSED_PARAM?

Christoph Grüninger foss at grueninger.de
Wed Mar 31 14:42:44 CEST 2021

Hi Markus!

> Personally, I am fine with this but only as long as DUNE_USED_PARAMETER
> stays as it is, because that is the only thing I am using.

It has to stay, as long as we support GCC 9.

> Nevertheless I would like to raise the question:
> What improvement is this for the user? What work is it saving us?

* We have a CMake check run for every Dune module.
* We have a Dune-specific way of deprecation. And there is the C++ way.
We should stick to the standard wherever possible.

> It seems a bit like people using our macros will get annoying warnings
> and finally will need to do additional work for little benefit. What is
> the justification for this?

I hope the macros served well in the past, for us in the core modules
and the users in their code. But as there is a C++ way of doing so,
which is also independent of the compiler, we and Dune users should use it.

> My personal conclusion would be to not use DUNE's macros again as they
> might turn out to be a maintenance burden in the end.

I hope nobody uses Dune macros that does not serve any purpose for the
user. The helper macros were an improvement when we introduced them. But
now C++ 17 has a better and more compatible way.
This happened in the past with other features like shared_ptr or type
traits. And people are eager to add further little helpers.


Als wär es nix, leb' ich von [IT] und mach' nur, was ich lieb'
Lebe wie im Paradies, womit hab' ich das verdient?
Die Wahrheit ist: Hab' ich nicht, ich bin nur reicher beschenkt
Als jemand in einem armen Land mit dem gleichen Talent
[frei nach Tua von Die Orsons - Oioioiropa]

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