[Dune-devel] Evolution of the CMake environment

Simon Praetorius simon.praetorius at tu-dresden.de
Sun Feb 6 13:49:38 CET 2022

Hi everyone,

with this mail I want to summarize some proposals and suggested next 
steps for the CMake overhaul, as preparation and discussion base for the 
next developer meeting

1. What have we achieved (since the last meeting):

- The big `DuneMacos.cmake` file is split up into several files 
containing only a few interface function plus related implementation 
details (This simplifies the cmake development significantly and 
revealed some historic outdated macros that could be removed)
- Some deprecated and outdated macros and functions are removed to use 
more modern 3.13 version implementations
- Several `Find<Package>` modules are rewritten to provide a common 
style, documentation, and imported targets to link against. Those often 
have the name `<Package>::[<Package>|<Subpackage>]`.
- The output during cmake configuration is reduced, e.g., by moving some 
operations to doc targets, or print messages into a logfile instead of 
- The important cmake function `dune_add_library` is rewritten and 
cleaned up. It is the main workhorse for creating dune module libraries 
and lead to a simplification of several main CMakeLists files.

2. What is proposed and planned:

a) I propose a cleaner mechanism for setting the c++ standard for the 
compiler, by adding a target feature requirement. This allows to 
specifically state which standard a target (library or executable) needs 
(minimum requirement) and also allows to communicate this requirement to 
all other targets linking against it. A global c++ standard can always 
be set by using `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD` variable, acting on all targets in 
the current project. Putting this into an options file, allows to 
enforce this for all modules. But also changing the standard in just 
dune-common will forward the new requirement to all downstream modules. 
There are some discussions going on whether this is the most 
stable/portable/secure way to enforce this. See 

Some consequences:
   * property is communicated by targets: you have to link against a 
dune target to derive the dune c++ standard requirement.
   * Standard can be influenced by setting `CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD` 
variable, or by setting your own (higher) standard requirement on a 
downstream target

b) I propose to make a dune module target a special supported/featured 
target. All dune modules should have a targets the contains the module 
sources (if any), and all properties (include dirs, compile flags, 
external dependencies) of the module. By having this and giving this 
target a special name, e.g., `DUNE_MODULE_TARGET`, we can, for example, 
fill in some properties automatically, like include directories, and can 
link against this target in module tests. This would simplify some code 
and would allow to move complicated properties to a common function, 
instead of setting this all by hand in each downstream module. See 

Some consequences:
   * Every dune module, that is supposed to be used by downstream 
modules, needs to call `dune_project()` and `finalize_dune_project()`. 
Thus, the creation of such a module target could be added to these macros.
   * If we register include directories in an (exported) module target 
that is imported in downstream modules, these includes are treated as 
"system-includes". This is the default for all external libraries. This 
means, for example, that warnings emitted by included system headers are 
not shown when compiling downstream code. (This can be reactivated, though)

c) I propose to define a namespace for dune module targets, like 
`Dune::`. Namespaces are very common in cmake, see external package 
imported targets above, and thus should be provided by Dune as well. A 
namespace target is typically just an alias to an internal library 
target, i.e., `Dune::common -> dunecommon`, or it is an imported target 
when used in a downstream module. There, the former "internal library 
target" is not visible any more. Advantages for such a namespace 
structure: it follows the pattern of most other libraries, it groups the 
targets into a namespace, instead of setting a prefix to the name 
itself, it prevents from linking against an unknown dune module since a 
target must be available.

Some consequences and discussion:
   * The name that comes after the :: needs to be decided on. It is made 
flexible in the `dune_add_library` function and in MR!944 by providing 
an option "EXPORT_NAME". There is a default (if nothing else is 
specified) that is the project name without the "dune-" prefix. Other 
discretization modules could set their own export name, e.g. for dumux 
or amdis. But, if you are using the `dune_project` macros, the namespace 
will always be `Dune::`
   * We have actually already > 2 spellings of dune modules that we are 
using in cmake, e.g., "dune-common", "dunecommon", "DUNE_COMMON", and 
now additionally "Dune::common". This gets complicated and it is not 
easy to guess which spelling to use in which location. Thus, I propose 
to remove the `dunecommon` in favor of `dune-common`. Note, this is 
unrelated to the filename of the created library. That one can be set by 
the option `OUTPUT_NAME` in dune_add_library` and `dune_project`.

d) I propose to move the cmake commands currently written in the 
`Dune<Module>Macros.cmake` file, into the `dune-<module>-config.cmake` 
file. This can be done by automatically including the "old" Macros file. 
By having all the macros now directly in the config file, a dune package 
can be used in a project without including all the other dune-common 
cmake functions and without using `dune_project` and even without 
writing a `dune.module` file. There is still some work to do to get this 
running but the steps are already clear.

Some consequences:
   * The `dune-<module>-config.cmake` file will be used by any 
`find_package(<module>)` call. Thus no need to manually include 
anything. Also it is not necessary to include the old Macros file again, 
because it is already included in the config file
   * I will try to make this an transparent change, i.e., a config file 
is already created automatically. This file will be extended by these 
additional includes. Only if you are writing your own 
`dune-<module>-config.cmake` file you have to add a few lines there. 
This will be documented once the implementation has some progress. I'm 
thinking about a smooth transition but this needs to come up once a 
draft is implemented.

Why do I propose this CMake overhaul? I envision dune modules that can 
be used without being forced to create a dune-project with all the cmake 
functions, just by linking against dune-<module>:

--- CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
project(foo LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(dune-istl REQUIRED)
add_executable(bar ...)
target_link_libraries(bar PRIVATE Dune::istl)


Best wishes,

Dr. Simon Praetorius
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Scientific Computing
phone: +49 351 463-34432
mail: simon.praetorius at tu-dresden.de
web: https://tu-dresden.de/mn/math/wir/das-institut/beschaeftigte/simon-praetorius

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