[Dune-devel] SSL certificate issue with CI

Ansgar ansgar at 43-1.org
Sat Jul 15 11:26:15 CEST 2023

On Sat, 2023-07-15 at 10:28 +0200, Christoph Grüninger wrote:
> I am facing a SSL certificate issue with our CI. This might be
> related to the recent move to Dresden (thank you for that!).
> Example: https://gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-functions/-
> /pipelines/63220

It is probably caused by the move. Currently I see two possible
problems (could also be both):

1. The runner might not know Let's Encrypt's root certificate.
2. The runner is still talking to the old system.

(1.) is suggested by the error in the pipeline to link to, but other
pipelines have suspicious errors.  For example
contains a message:

| ERROR: Uploading artifacts [...] couldn't execute POST against
| https://gitlab.dune-project.org/[...]: [...]: x509: certificate is
| valid for conan.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de, not gitlab.dune-project.org

But gitlab.dune-project.org no longer points to conan.

Someone with admin access to the runner probably has to investigate

I paused the two runners in Münster until this is resolved (#64 dune-ci
at epic.uni-muenster.de and #65 dune-ci at sky.uni-muenster.de)


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