[Dune-devel] DUNE at google summer of code 2025

Markus Blatt markus at dr-blatt.de
Fri Dec 13 09:07:08 CET 2024

Dear fellow developers,

in recent years I always felt a bit sad, that I did not contribute to Christoph's effort of applying to
Google Summer Code. This time I do not want to be in that position and take the chance to contribute back
to DUNE by helping with the application and the mentoring.

Currently, three people from me are willing to serve as mentors and Christoph will be investing time as an
admin. Hence I think we would be already good to go for an application if others are at least willing to help
with technical questions. proposing suitable projects, etc.

So what do you think? Should we apply once the program is announced? That should happen soon, I hope.

Are there other people from DUNE that might be willing to mentor. Just be aware that this can be a time consuming
job between 1 and 8 hours per week. Of course we will try to have two mentors per project sharing the load.

We also think that it might make sense to not limit projects to DUNE but be an umbrella of DUNE. DUMUX and OPM. We
would need mentors from the DUMUX community for that and would approach those once you guys tell us that this is
a good idea.

Next steps would probably be:

- Review old applications (do we have them somewhere) and the website [2] (seems a bit broken)
- Approach at least he DUNE community about it. We need a yes, projects and mentors.
- Think about involving others using DUNE (OPM, DUMUX). At least for DUMUX we would need additional
   mentors with expertise.
- Get inspiration form the projects in 2024 [3]
- Prepare application, project list and website.

I am looking forward to your opinions.



[1] <https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com>
[2] <https://www.dune-project.org/dev/gsoc/>
[3] <https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2024/projects>

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