[Dune-devel] Dune 2.10

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger foss at grueninger.de
Sat Jun 15 17:23:02 CEST 2024

Hi Carsten,
dear Dune,

are where there now? We should collect what we want to add for 2.10 and 
branch off the next release.
If there is any help wanted, please feel free to reach out to me.


Am 21.12.23 um 14:19 schrieb Carsten Gräser:
> Dear all,
> the idea of a new release came up several times
> on the last meeting and during discussions on
> gitlab. I would volunteer to manage the release.
> However, I have the feeling that we're not there
> yet, because there's several interesting features
> in the pipeline that one may want to incorporate.
> Hence managing the release currently means collecting
> what should be added. As a first step I'll open a
> milestone for a 2.10 release and encourage everyone
> to tag issues and MRs that should potentially go into
> 2.10.
> If anyone want's to join me: You're welcome.
> Best regards
> Carsten

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