[dune-fem] Solution of a linear system, where blocks have different size

Sacconi, Andrea a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Apr 24 18:44:56 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

suppose I need to solve the following linear systems:

| A    - B^T| | x | = 0
| B      C    | | y | = g

I have already implemented the three operators A, B and C.
I would like to use a direct / iterative solver in order to solve the entire system, i.e. without any formal elimination of one of the two variables.

Pay attention that x and y are, in practice, a scalar-valued and a vector-valued function, so their algebraic counterparts have different sizes, i.e. the four blocks don't have identical dimensions.
Is it possible to implement such a solver in DUNE-FEM, maybe interfacing with DUNE-ISTL, "gluing" the four blocks to get the solution after the "black-box" solver has been used?




Andrea Sacconi
PhD student, Applied Mathematics
AMMP Section, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
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