[dune-fem] DoF vector for an AdaptiveDiscreteFunction: how to get the method dofStorage ()

Sacconi, Andrea a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Sep 17 13:45:42 CEST 2012


with respect to the mcf.cc you wrote, I modified the type of function (to AdaptiveDiscreteFunction), similarly to the Stokes example shown in the tutorial, and I can assure you that the method ".dofStorage()" never gave any problem.
I'll try to have a deeper look later ... so far, it doesn't work with 1.3.0.



Andrea Sacconi
PhD student, Applied Mathematics
AMMP Section, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
From: Dedner, Andreas [A.S.Dedner at warwick.ac.uk]
Sent: 17 September 2012 10:02
To: Sacconi, Andrea; dune-fem at dune-project.org
Subject: RE: [dune-fem] DoF vector for an AdaptiveDiscreteFunction: how to get the method dofStorage ()


I had another look - in the dune-fem release 1.2 the dofStorage is also protected as
far as I could tell and there seems to be no change. So I am not quite sure why this
ever work. I will need the full source code to check this.

In the mcf.cc version I have we wrote
VertexFunctionType vertices( "vertices", vxSpace, solution.blockVector() );
but there solution was a blockvector discrete function not AdaptiveDiscreteFunction.
The AdaptiveDiscreteFunction class has a method leakPointer, but that only
provides you with a double* and you could try that method instead.


From: dune-fem-bounces+a.s.dedner=warwick.ac.uk at dune-project.org [dune-fem-bounces+a.s.dedner=warwick.ac.uk at dune-project.org] on behalf of Sacconi, Andrea [a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk]
Sent: 13 September 2012 10:40
To: dune-fem at dune-project.org
Subject: [dune-fem] DoF vector for an AdaptiveDiscreteFunction: how to get the method dofStorage ()

Hi everyone,

I have a simple question about the " .dofStorage () " method. This is, maybe, a change between release 1.2.1 and 1.3.0.

Suppose you have the following definitions of pairs of function space and grid function:

typedef Dune:Fem::LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace< VertexFunctionSpaceType, HostGridPartType, 1 > VertexSpaceType;
typedef Dune::Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction < VertexSpaceType > VertexFunctionType;
typedef Dune::Fem::LagrangeDiscreteFunctionSpace< VectorPositionFunctionSpaceType, GridPartType, vectorPolynomialOrder > DiscretePositionFunctionSpaceType;
typedef Dune::Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction < DiscretePositionFunctionSpaceType > DiscretePositionFunctionType;

I instantiate these two objects of grid functions, and I want the second to take the same "algebraic counterpart" of the first. In other words, with release 1.2.1 I did

DiscretePositionFunctionType discrete_position_solution ( "discrete_position_solution", dfpSpace );
VertexFunctionType vertices ( "vertices", vxSpace, discrete_position_solution.dofStorage () );

but now I got the message that " .dofStorage () " is a protected method. How can I extract the vector and do the same operation allowed in the previous release?

Thanks again for your help,



Andrea Sacconi
PhD student, Applied Mathematics
AMMP Section, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
a.sacconi11 at imperial.ac.uk
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