[dune-fem] DiscreteFunction::FunctionSpaceType versus DiscreteFunctionSpaceType

Claus-Justus Heine Claus-Justus.Heine at mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Jun 12 12:19:26 CEST 2013

Hi there,

at least the ISTLBlockVectorDiscreteFunction defines a FunctionSpaceType
which is in fact not the Function-class type, but an alias for the
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType. This is a little bit unfortunate, as a
DiscreteFunction is also derived from Dune::Fem::Function which already
comes with a FunctionSpaceType. The alias from DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
-> FunctionSpaceType is also _not_ required by the
Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionInterface, which only adds the
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType. IMHO, this should be changed, as it is
confusing and not very clean.

Best regards,


Dr. Claus-Justus Heine
Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Simulation
* Numerische Mathematik für Höchstleistungsrechner
Universität Stuttgart

Fon: +49 (0) 711 - 685 65558
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