[dune-functions] [Dune-functions-commit] [Commit] dune-functions - c7b3989: Resize must now be done manually before interpolate()

Carsten Gräser graeser at mi.fu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 15 00:49:04 CEST 2015

Hi Oliver,

Am 14.09.2015 um 22:55 schrieb Carsten Gräser:
>> ... which is kind-of ugly, as a matter of fact.  I keep thinking that maybe
>> we should replace array<size_t,1> by size_t whenever that appears as
>> a multi-index.
> But this would mean to teach users things that will not work
> in general. Even worse you cannot write code that works in both,
> the simple and not so simple cases. If you really think it's so ugly
> we may consider to derive from array and add a cast to size_t
> in the simple case. However I'd prefer to hide the complicated
> multiindex stuff in a simple wrapper (that's the backend) that
> can also be explained easily.
> Best,
> Carsten
>>> Maybe a cleaner solution would be, to provide some kind of vector
>>> adaptor providing operator()(MultiIndex) and a hierachic resize.
>>> Then we would write
>>>   SomeVector v;
>>>   auto&& v_coeff = basisCoefficients(v, basis);
>>>   v_coeff.resize();
>>>   interpolate(v_coeff, treePath, f);
>>> This would also allow to exchange the now hard wired backend
>>> more easily.
>> Possibly.
if this is implemented as operator[] instead and the cast proposed
above is also implemented it has the nice side effect, that we can
(almost) use a flat vector in simple cases and a wrapped one in the
complicated ones. It's only 'almost', because we have to write


in the simple case, whereas we need something like


in the complicated ones. If we change the interface of basis.size()
without prefix to return some object that provides all size information
we can even get around this.


>> Best,
>> Oliver
>>> Best,
>>> Carsten
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Prof. Dr. Carsten Gräser
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 838 72637
fax  : +49 30 838 472637
email: graeser at mi.fu-berlin.de
URL  : http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/graeser

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