[dune-pdelab] Newton documentation and annoying deprecation warning

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Fri Feb 4 23:52:31 CET 2011

Am Fri,  4. Feb 2011, 19:23:34 +0100 schrieb Christoph Grüninger:
> Dear dune pals,
> find attached my first attempt to improve the documentation of 
> Dune namely for the newton solver. Feel free to omit or do with 
> it whatever seems right to you.
> May someone please have a glance at the annoying deprecation 
> warning?
> /home/der_user/Dokumente/workspace/dune/dune-grid/dune/grid/common/virtualrefinement.cc:489: warning: ‘Dune::GeometryType::BasicType Dune::GeometryType::basicType() const’ is deprecated (declared at /home/der_user/Dokumente/workspace/dune/dune-common/dune/common/geometrytype.hh:265)

Actually, this is probably more than a warning, the subsamplingvtktest
currently produces garbage VTK files.  I suspekt that somewhere a GeometryType
was constructed with a BasicType given as an integer, which is now interpreted
as a topologyId instead.  Adrian Ngo is currently switching the refinement
stuff to topologyId, so these problems should be gone soon.


Entstauben ist Mord!
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