[dune-pdelab] Vector and Matrix backends for PETSc

Matthias Wohlmuth Matthias.Wohlmuth at ma.tum.de
Mon Sep 19 12:15:07 CEST 2011

the recently introduced petsc-backend added trouble vor codes using 
complex numbers because of

   typedef typename Backend::template Matrix<double> Matrix;
instead of
   typedef typename 
   typedef typename Backend::template Matrix<ElementType> Matrix;

Similar to several, other pieces of code in istl/common ....  it only 
works (and compiles!) with real numbers. Of course, this patch is not a 
systematic complex-numbers patch for the trunk, but perhaps this helps 
to be aware of this problem when adding new code.
The attached patch fixes the problems for the Accessor-Petsc class and 
similar places in the same directory.


Am 12.09.2011 20:32, schrieb Steffen Müthing:
> If you want to look at the changes I did to the interface to shoehorn PETSc in there somehow,
> the three relevant commits are:
> r1607: Changes the way the local assembler accesses the matrix (the user perspective)
> r1613: Makes the ISTLMatrixBackend compatible with that new access pattern
> r1619: Not really important, but makes sure the default GridOperator actually does the right thing
> Steffen
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***************  Dipl.-Math. Matthias Wohlmuth
**********  Department of Mathematics (M2)
********  Technische Universität München (TU Munich)
******  Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
**  http://www-m2.ma.tum.de/bin/view/Allgemeines/MatthiasWohlmuth
****  matthias.wohlmuth at ma.tum.de
******  Phone: +49 89 / 289 18441
********  Fax: +49 89 / 289 18435
**********  Office: 03.10.036

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