[dune-pdelab] *** No rule to make target `doxygen-tag', needed by `install-doxygen'. Stop.

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Tue Jan 17 15:10:36 CET 2012

Am Tue, 17. Jan 2012, 14:09:12 +0100 schrieb Victor Mataré:
> In dune-pdelab/dune/pdelab/finiteelementmap/Makefile I see duplicate entries for p0fem.hh and p1fem.hh:
> Lo and behold, after deleting the duplicate lines, make install works fine. Now where they come from I cannot reproduce since I don't know autotools well enough.

This has already been fixed in the trunk.

> > > OK, so I just did and I found that it doesn't. But then how am I
> > > supposed to install it if make install doesn't work? 
> > 
> > You actually do not have to install it, to use it. 
> > I usually have all the modules lying around in one directory of my
> > home-dir :
> > 
> > mblatt at legolas:~/src/dune/2.1-tarballs$ ls
> > dune-common-2.1.1  dune-istl-2.1.1            dune-pdelab
> > dune-grid-2.1.1    dune-localfunctions-2.1.1  dune-pdelab-howto
> > 
> > And work from there using dune-control and make directly. Probably a
> > matter of taste.
> As a sysadmin I don't consider issues like usability, maintainability, OS integration and privilege separation a matter of taste. Having software "lying around" is not an option if I'm expected to deliver a secure, usable and up-to-date software environment to the end user. I think fixing make install would be a good idea since otherwise you're breaking common unix practice, which will probably put off some potential user every now and then ;-)

Please note that the snapshot-versions are not releases (there hasn't been a
release of PDELab, yet).  The snapshots are just tags so users can easily find
a version that is likely to work with the corresponding release of the core
modules.  But we do not give the same quality promises as we would do for
releases.  For this reason we are reluctant to fix bugs in the snapshots that
don't really affect anybody.

So the question is: _why_ do you need make install?  Do you actually have to
install PDELab in a pool or a compute server?  Do you want to point your users
to a single URL where they can get a matching version of PDELab, instead of a
URL plus a patch?  In those (and similar cases) I would consider fixing the

If you were just trying to install (instead of using locally) because that's
what you usually do with your self-compiled software, I clearly don't consider
the bugs important enough to fix them in the snapshots.  If you do fix the
bugs, feel free to send the patches to this list, so people can find them in
the archive.  I would however recommend to just compile PDELab as a user and
use it from its build directory.

Does anybody know whether the Doxygen-bug still applies to the trunk?  Because
the trunk is a different matter altogether, and we will of course deal with
such bugs there, so that they are fixed whan we actually do make a release.


Jorrit (Jö) Fahlke, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing,
Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 54 8890 Fax: +49 6221 54 8884

Das Erststudium soll bis zum berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss
gebührenfrei bleiben, also bis zur Erlangung der Taxi-Lizenz.
-- Akrützel, Ausgabe vom 16.5.2002 (www.akruetzel.de)
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