[dune-pdelab] Call method after each Newton step

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Aug 5 11:28:31 CEST 2013

Hi PDELabers,
my local operator needs the current solution after each time or Newton 
step. I added a method to pass the solution from the driver code to the 
local operator
   template<typename GFS, typename X>
   void updateStoredValues(const GFS& gfs, X& lastSolution)
but I have to call this functions. Currently, I use my own Newton 
solver, so I can easily add the call. But I want to use the built-in 
Newton which is necessary to make use of the one step methods for the 
transient case.

Is there a way to override a function in one of the Newton classes to 
place the necessary call? All I found did not work because the calling 
code did either not now about the solution and GFS or it would be a 
massive rewrite of the existing Newton stuff.

Thanks in advance

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