[dune-pdelab] some problems in dune

Robert Jendrny Robert.Jendrny at math.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Oct 30 15:14:37 CET 2014

Hi Rebecca,

thank you for your answer ...

I am working with the code from pdelab exercise2, example02 (Dune course 
this year - 2014)
I hope the attached files are enough

The most important file is example02_Q1.hh, there everything is calculated
I want to solve Poisson (-Laplace(u) = 1) on unit square with AMG

For Q1 I nearly get independent numbers of iterations for mesh size h, 
h/2, h/4,.... which is fine

But If I change Q1 to Q2, the numbers of iterations "explode" if the 
mesh gets finer and finer

Maybe someone can fix it ;-)


On 10/30/2014 03:00 PM, Rebecca de Cuveland wrote:
> Hey Robert,
> perhaps you can show us your program and output? (verbosity 3 or 4 for AMG and 1 for linear solver)
> AMG is quite sensible for the used options. I only use Q1, but as far as I know Q2 should also work...
> Bye,
> Rebecca

Robert Jendrny
B.Sc. Technomathematik

TU Dortmund, Fakultät für Mathematik
LS III: Angewandte Mathematik und Numerik
M 1020, Vogelpothsweg 87, 44227 Dortmund
robert.jendrny at math.tu-dortmund.de

-------------- next part --------------
template<typename GV, typename RF>
class ExactSolution 
  : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
  Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> >
  ,ExactSolution<GV,RF> >
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> > Traits;

  //! constructor 
  (const GV& g_) : g(g_) {}

  //! \copydoc GridFunctionBase::evaluate()
  inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, 
                        const typename Traits::DomainType& x, 
                        typename Traits::RangeType& y) const

    typename Traits::DomainType xglobal = e.geometry().global(x);


    // Für Einheitsquadrat
    y = 16.0 * sin(M_PI * xglobal[0]) * sin(M_PI * xglobal[1]);      


  inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
    return g;
  const GV & g;
/*! \brief Adapter returning ||f1(x)-f2(x)||^2 for two given grid functions

  \tparam T1  a grid function type
  \tparam T2  a grid function type
template<typename T1, typename T2>
class DifferenceSquaredAdapter 
  : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
  Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T1::Traits::GridViewType,
				   typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,
				   1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >
  ,DifferenceSquaredAdapter<T1,T2> >
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T1::Traits::GridViewType,
                                           typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,
                                           1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T1::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;

  //! constructor 
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter (const T1& t1_, const T2& t2_) : t1(t1_), t2(t2_) {}

  //! \copydoc GridFunctionBase::evaluate()
  inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, 
                        const typename Traits::DomainType& x, 
                        typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
    typename Traits::RangeType v1, v2;
    t1.evaluate( e, x, v1);
    t2.evaluate( e, x, v2);
    v1 -= v2; //v1= v1-v2
    y = v1*v1;// y = (v1-v2)^2

  inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
    return t1.getGridView();
  const T1& t1;
  const T2& t2;

/*! \brief Adapter returning ||f(x)||^2 for the given grid functions

  \tparam T  a grid function type
template<typename T>
class SquaredAdapter 
  : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
  Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
				   typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
				   1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> >
  ,SquaredAdapter<T> >
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
                                           typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,
                                           1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;

  //! constructor 
  SquaredAdapter (const T& t_) : t(t_) {}

  //! \copydoc GridFunctionBase::evaluate()
  inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, 
                        const typename Traits::DomainType& x, 
                        typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
    typename T::Traits::RangeType y1;
    y = y1.two_norm2();

  inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () const
    return t.getGridView();
  const T& t;

/*! A function that computes the L2 norm of the given function object
 *  be careful, this l2norm works only for DGF,
 *  that means function f should be evaluated in 
 *  !!local coordinates!! 

template<class GV,class F>
double l2norm(const GV& gv, const F& f, const unsigned qorder = 3)
  // first we extract the dimensions of the grid  
  const int dim = GV::Grid::dimension;

  // type used for coordinates in the grid
  typedef typename GV::Grid::ctype ctype;

  // Extract types
  typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
  typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry Geometry;

  // Initialize norm
  double norm = 0.0;

  typedef typename F::Traits::RangeType RF;
  RF val;

  // iterate through all entities of codim 0 of the grid view
  for (ElementIterator it = gv.template begin<0>();
       it!=gv.template end<0>(); ++it)
      const Geometry& geo = it->geometry();
      Dune::GeometryType gt = geo.type();

      // get quadrature rule of order 2
      const Dune::QuadratureRule<ctype,dim>& 
	rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<ctype,dim>::rule(gt, qorder);

      // compute approximate integral
      for (typename Dune::QuadratureRule<ctype,dim>::const_iterator git=rule.begin();
	   git!=rule.end(); ++git)
	  // evaluate the given grid functions at integration point
	  // compute square value of the function
	  //val*=val; <-- BUG 4 life!
          // quadrature element weight
	  RF weight = git->weight();
	  // integration element volume
	  RF detjac = geo.integrationElement(git->position());
	  // accumulate in a norm
	  norm += val*weight*detjac;
  // return sqrt of the norm
  return std::sqrt(norm);

/*! A function that computes the L2 norm of the given function object
 *  be careful, this l2norm works only function object,
 *  which evaluates the function in !!global coordinates!! 

template<class GV,class F>
double l2norm_global(const GV& gv, const F& f, const unsigned qorder = 3)
  // first we extract the dimensions of the grid  
  const int dim = GV::Grid::dimension;

  // type used for coordinates in the grid
  typedef typename GV::Grid::ctype ctype;

  // Extract types
  typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
  typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry Geometry;

  // Initialize norm
  double norm = 0.0;
  // iterate through all entities of codim 0 of the grid view
  for (ElementIterator it = gv.template begin<0>();
       it!=gv.template end<0>(); ++it)
      const Geometry& geo = it->geometry();
      Dune::GeometryType gt = geo.type();

      // get quadrature rule of order 2
      const Dune::QuadratureRule<ctype,dim>& 
	rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<ctype,dim>::rule(gt, qorder);

      // compute approximate integral
      for (typename Dune::QuadratureRule<ctype,dim>::const_iterator git=rule.begin();
	   git!=rule.end(); ++git)
	  const double value = f(geo.global(git->position()));
	  norm += git->weight()*value*value;
  // return sqrt of the norm
  return std::sqrt(norm);

template<typename GV, typename RF>
class BETA
  : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
                                            Dune::FieldVector<RF,GV::dimension> >,
           BETA<GV,RF> >
  const GV& gv;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,
      GV::dimension, Dune::FieldVector<RF,GV::dimension> > Traits;
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<
          Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV, RF,GV::dimension,
                                           Dune::FieldVector<RF,GV::dimension> >,
          BETA<GV,RF> > BaseT;

  BETA (const GV& gv_ ) : gv(gv_){}

  inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
                        const typename Traits::DomainType& x,
                        typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
    y = 0;

    y[0] = 0.0;
    y[1] = 0.0;

    // An example for another velocity field maybe...:
     //typename Traits::DomainType xg = e.geometry().global(x);
     //y[0] = 1.0;
     //y[1] = 0.5 * cos(10*xg[0]) ;

  inline const typename Traits::GridViewType& getGridView () { return gv; }
  typename Traits::RangeFieldType
  f (const typename Traits::ElementType& e, const typename Traits::DomainType& x, typename Traits::RangeType v) const
    // (?,?, a Diffusionparameter, v Geschwindigkeitsvektor, c Massparamater)  
    //xglobal sind Koords. x= xglobal[0], y= xglobal[1]
    typename Traits::DomainType xglobal = e.geometry().global(x);
    typename Traits::RangeFieldType ret; 

    ret =  //exakt for normal quad 
    	   // 32.0 * M_PI * M_PI * sin(M_PI * xglobal[0]) * sin(M_PI * xglobal[1]);
    return ret;   


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_LS_AMG( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta, int level, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  //std::cout << "<<<3>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend
   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_LS_AMG_SOR<GO> LS;

   LS ls(5000,-1,false,false);

	Dune::Amg::Parameters params;
	//Cycle: 1 V, 2 W

  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,1e-6,1e-99,-1);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for LS_AMG_SOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for LS_AMG_SOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;

  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_BICGSTAB_AMG( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta,int level, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_BCGS_AMG_SSOR<GO> LS;

   LS ls(5000,-1,false,false);

	Dune::Amg::Parameters params;
	//Cycle: 1 V, 2 W

  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,1e-6,1e-99,-1);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;
template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_BICGSTAB_SSOR( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  //std::cout << "<<<3>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend
   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_BCGS_SSOR LS;

   LS ls(5000,true);
  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,u,1e-6);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for LS_AMG_SOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;

  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_BICGSTAB_JAC( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_BCGS_Jac LS;

   LS ls(5000,true);
  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,u,1e-6);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_JAC===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;

template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_CG_JAC( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_CG_Jac LS;

   LS ls(5000,true);
  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,u,1e-6);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for CG_JAC===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;

template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_LS_AMG_SS( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta,int level, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  //std::cout << "<<<3>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend
   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_LS_AMG_SSOR<GO> LS;

   LS ls(5000,-1,false,false);

	Dune::Amg::Parameters params;
	//Cycle: 1 V, 2 W

  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,1e-6,1e-99,-1);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for LS_AMG_SOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for LS_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;

  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_BICGSTAB_AMG_SOR( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta,int level, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_BCGS_AMG_SOR<GO> LS;

   LS ls(5000,-1,false,false);

	Dune::Amg::Parameters params;
	//Cycle: 1 V, 2 W

  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,1e-6,1e-99,-1);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_CG_AMG_SSOR( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta,int level, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_CG_AMG_SSOR<GO> LS;

   LS ls(5000,-1,false,false);

	Dune::Amg::Parameters params;
	//Cycle: 1 V, 2 W

  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,1e-6,1e-99,-1);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for CG_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;


template<typename Real, typename U, typename GV, typename GFS,
         typename CC, typename BCTypeParam, typename BETA>
void sdsolver_CG_SSOR( U& u, const GV& gv, const GFS& gfs, const CC& cc,
               const BCTypeParam& bctype, const BETA& beta, bool damping, const std::string outputname)
  // <<<3>>> Make grid operator space
  typedef Example02LocalOperator<BCTypeParam,BETA> LOP;    // operator including boundary
  LOP lop( bctype, beta);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLMatrixBackend MBE;

  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridOperator<
    GFS,GFS,        /* ansatz and test space */
    LOP,            /* local operator */
    MBE,            /* matrix backend */
    Real,Real,Real, /* field types for domain, range and jacobian */
    CC,CC           /* constraints transformation  for ansatz and test space */
    > GO;
  GO go(gfs,cc,gfs,cc,lop);
  // <<<5>>> Select a linear solver backend

   typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_SEQ_CG_SSOR LS;

   LS ls(5000,true);
  //std::cout << "<<<5>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<6>>> assemble and solve linear problem
  typedef Dune::PDELab::StationaryLinearProblemSolver<GO,LS,U> SLP; 
  SLP slp(go,ls,u,1e-6);
  std::cout<< std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<6>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<7>>> graphical output and L2-Error
  //Define discrte gridfunction for graphical output and L2-Error
  typedef Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFS,U> DGF;
  DGF udgf(gfs,u);
  // ??  
  /*typedef SquaredAdapter<DGF> Squared;
  Squared squaredsolution(udgf);
  typedef ExactSolution<GV,double> ES;
  ES es(gv);
  typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<DGF,ES> DifferenceSquaredAdapter;
  DifferenceSquaredAdapter difference(udgf,es);*/
// #### OUTPUT ####
 /* std::cout << "===================Statistics for BiCGSTAB_AMG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "NVert:       "<< gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "NEL:         "<< gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "L2-Error:    "<< l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Solvertime:  "<< slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "KonvRate:    "<< slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "iters        "<< slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;*/
  std::cout << "===================Statistics for CG_SSOR===================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  std::cout << gv.size(0) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << l2norm(gv,difference,2) << std::endl;
  //std::cout << slp.result().elapsed << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().conv_rate << std::endl; 
  std::cout << slp.result().iterations <<std::endl;
  // graphical output
  Dune::VTKWriter<GV> vtkwriter(gv,Dune::VTK::conforming);
  vtkwriter.addVertexData(new Dune::PDELab::VTKGridFunctionAdapter<DGF>(udgf,"solution"));
  //std::cout << "<<<7>>> done" << std::endl;

template<class GV> void example02_Q1 (const GV& gv)
  // <<<1>>> Choose domain and range field type
  typedef typename GV::Grid::ctype Coord;
  typedef double Real;
  //std::cout << "<<<1>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<2>>> Make grid function space
  //std::cout << "=================== Q1 - Elements ===================" << std::endl;
  //typedef Dune::PDELab::QkLocalFiniteElementMap<GV,Coord,Real,1> FEM; // Quadrilateral Elements
  std::cout << "=================== Q2 - Elements ===================" << std::endl;
  typedef Dune::PDELab::QkLocalFiniteElementMap<GV,Coord,Real,2> FEM; // Quadrilateral Elements
  FEM fem(gv);
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ConformingDirichletConstraints CONSTRAINTS; // constraints class
  typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTLVectorBackend<> VBE;
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace<GV,FEM,CONSTRAINTS,VBE> GFS;
  GFS gfs(gv,fem);

  typedef BETA<GV,Real> BETAType;
  BETAType beta(gv);
  BCTypeParam<BETAType> bctype(beta); // boundary condition type
  typedef typename GFS::template ConstraintsContainer<Real>::Type CC;
  CC cc;
  Dune::PDELab::constraints( bctype, gfs, cc ); // assemble constraints
  //std::cout << "constrained dofs=" << cc.size() << " of " << gfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "<<<2>>> done" << std::endl;
  // <<<3>>> moved into sdsolver()
  // <<<4>>> Make FE function extending Dirichlet boundary conditions
  // BackendVectorSelector can be used if a vector is needed but no
  // GridOperator is available yet
  typedef typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFS,Real>::Type U;
  U u(gfs,0.0);
  //Only for use without gmesh, because of dx
  //typedef BCExtension_2b<GV,Real,VEC> G;                        // boundary value + extension
  //G g(gv,dx);
  //Only for use withgmesh
  typedef BCExtension<GV,Real> G;                               // boundary value + extension
  G g(gv);

  Dune::PDELab::interpolate(g,gfs,u);                           // interpolate coefficient vector
   //std::cout << "<<<4>>> done" << std::endl;

  // <<<5>>> - <<<7>>> moved inside "sdsolver"
   int wahl;
   int level;
   if (wahl == 1)
	printf("Level input: ");
	std::cout << "Used levels:" << level+1 << std::endl;
   	sdsolver_LS_AMG<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta,level, false, "LS_AMG_SOR");
   if (wahl == 2)
	printf("Level input: ");
	std::cout << "Used levels:" << level+1 << std::endl;
   	sdsolver_BICGSTAB_AMG<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta,level, false, "BICGSTAB_AMG_SSOR");
   if (wahl == 3)
   	sdsolver_BICGSTAB_SSOR<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta, false, "BICGSTAB_SSOR");
   if (wahl == 4)
   	sdsolver_BICGSTAB_JAC<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta, false, "BICGSTAB_JAC");
   if (wahl == 5)
	sdsolver_CG_JAC<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta, false, "CG_JAC");
   if (wahl == 6)
	printf("Level input: ");
	std::cout << "Used levels:" << level+1 << std::endl;
	sdsolver_LS_AMG_SS<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta,level, false, "LS_AMG_SSOR");
   if (wahl == 7)
	printf("Level input: ");
	std::cout << "Used levels:" << level+1 << std::endl;
	sdsolver_BICGSTAB_AMG_SOR<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta,level, false, "BICGSTAB_AMG_SOR");
   if (wahl == 8)
	printf("Level input: ");
	std::cout << "Used levels:" << level+1 << std::endl;
	sdsolver_CG_AMG_SSOR<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta,level, false, "CG_AMG_SSOR");
   if (wahl == 9)
	sdsolver_CG_SSOR<Real>( u,gv,gfs,cc,bctype,beta, false, "CG_SSOR");




-------------- next part --------------
/** \brief A function that defines Dirichlet boundary conditions AND
    its extension to the interior */
template<typename GV, typename RF>
class BCExtension
  : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<Dune::PDELab::
           GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> >, BCExtension<GV,RF> > {
  const GV& gv;
  typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<GV,RF,1,Dune::FieldVector<RF,1> > Traits;

  //! construct from grid view
  BCExtension (const GV& gv_) : gv(gv_) {}

  //! evaluate extended function on element
  inline void evaluate (const typename Traits::ElementType& e,
                        const typename Traits::DomainType& xlocal,
                        typename Traits::RangeType& y) const
    const int dim = Traits::GridViewType::Grid::dimension;
    typedef typename Traits::GridViewType::Grid::ctype ctype;
    Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> x = e.geometry().global(xlocal);
    y = 0.0;

  //! get a reference to the grid view
  inline const GV& getGridView () {return gv;}
-------------- next part --------------


//! \brief Parameter class selecting boundary conditions
template<class BETA>
class BCTypeParam
  : public Dune::PDELab::DirichletConstraintsParameters
  const BETA &betaF;

  BCTypeParam(const BETA &betaF_) : betaF(betaF_) { }

  //! Test whether boundary is Dirichlet-constrained
  template<typename I>
  bool isDirichlet(const I & intersection,
                   const Dune::FieldVector<typename I::ctype, I::dimension-1> & coord
                   ) const
    Dune::FieldVector<typename I::ctype, I::dimension>
      xg = intersection.geometry().global( coord );

    return true;  // Dirichlet b.c. on all other boundaries

-------------- next part --------------


/** a local operator for solving the equation
 *  		 - \Delta u  = f   in \Omega
 *                  u = g   on \Gamma_D\subseteq\partial\Omega
 * with conforming finite elements on all types of grids in any dimension
 * \tparam BCType parameter class indicating the type of boundary condition
template<class BCType, class BETA>
class Example02LocalOperator :
  public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyVolume<Example02LocalOperator<BCType,BETA>>,
  public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<Example02LocalOperator<BCType,BETA> >,
  public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyBoundary<Example02LocalOperator<BCType,BETA>>,
  public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianBoundary<Example02LocalOperator<BCType,BETA>>,
  public Dune::PDELab::FullVolumePattern,
  public Dune::PDELab::LocalOperatorDefaultFlags
  // pattern assembly flags
  enum { doPatternVolume = true };

  // residual assembly flags
  enum { doAlphaVolume = true };
  //enum { doAlphaBoundary = true };                                // assemble boundary

  Example02LocalOperator (const BCType& bctype_,  // boundary cond. type
                           const BETA& betaF_,     // convection field
                           unsigned int intorder_=3) :
    bctype(bctype_), betaF(betaF_), intorder(intorder_)

  // volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions
  template<typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
  void alpha_volume (const EG& eg, const LFSU& lfsu, const X& x, const LFSV& lfsv, R& r) const
    // pull in some standard functions
    using std::pow;
    using std::abs;

    // assume Galerkin: lfsu == lfsv
    // This yields more efficient code since the local functionspace only
    // needs to be evaluated once, but would be incorrect for a finite volume
    // method

    // dimensions
    const int dim = EG::Geometry::dimension;
    const int dimw = EG::Geometry::dimensionworld;

    // extract some types
    typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
      Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::DomainFieldType DF;
    typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
      Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeFieldType RF;
    typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
      Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::JacobianType Jacobian;
    typedef typename LFSU::Traits::FiniteElementType::
      Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeType Range;
    typedef Dune::FieldVector<RF,dimw> Gradient;
    typedef typename LFSU::Traits::SizeType size_type;

    // select quadrature rule
    Dune::GeometryType gt = eg.geometry().type();
    const Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim>&
      rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<DF,dim>::rule(gt,intorder);

    // loop over quadrature points
    for (typename Dune::QuadratureRule<DF,dim>::const_iterator
           it=rule.begin(); it!=rule.end(); ++it)
        // evaluate basis functions on reference element
        std::vector<Range> phi(lfsu.size());

        // compute u at integration point
        RF u=0.0;
        for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); ++i)
          u += x(lfsu,i)*phi[i];

        // evaluate gradient of basis functions on reference element
        std::vector<Jacobian> js(lfsu.size());

        // transform gradients from reference element to real element
        const Dune::FieldMatrix<DF,dimw,dim>
          &jac = eg.geometry().jacobianInverseTransposed(it->position());
        std::vector<Gradient> gradphi(lfsu.size());
        for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); i++)

        // compute gradient of u
        Gradient gradu(0.0);
        for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); ++i)

        // evaluate parameters;
        // Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim>
        //   globalpos = eg.geometry().global(it->position());

        // get the vector-field beta:
        typename BETA::Traits::RangeType beta;
        Dune::FieldVector<DF,dim> localcenter =
        betaF.evaluate( eg.entity(), localcenter, beta );
       // Get RHS
        typename BETA::Traits::RangeFieldType f =betaF.f(eg.entity(),it->position(),beta);
       //RF f = 0;
        // Standard Galerkin
        RF factor = it->weight()*eg.geometry().integrationElement(it->position());
        for (size_type i=0; i<lfsu.size(); ++i)
          r.accumulate(lfsu, i, factor * ( (gradu*gradphi[i]) - f*phi[i] ));



  const BCType& bctype;
  const BETA& betaF;
  unsigned int intorder;

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