[dune-pdelab] [dune-pdelab-commit] [Commit] dune-typetree - 8a50506: [TreePath] Add hybrid TreePath

christi at dune-project.org christi at dune-project.org
Tue Sep 15 22:15:08 CEST 2015

Hi Steffen,

> +#ifndef DOXYGEN
> +
> +      // I can't be bothered to make all the external accessors friends of HybridTreePath,
> +      // so we'll only hide the data tuple from the user in Doxygen.
> +
> +      using Data = std::tuple<T...>;
> +      Data _data;
> +
> +#endif // DOXYGEN

wouldn't it be better to derive from tuple, instead of a public
member? We would have the same access rules, but a cleaner statement,
as we explicitly tell people what they are dealing with...
... std::tuple + syntactic sugar

and ...
... does the HybridTreePath obsolete the other implementations?


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