[dune-pdelab] ATTENTION please - host "conan-old" at its end of lifetime

Joachim Simon joachim.simon at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Jun 14 17:20:21 CEST 2017

Hello everyone,

our old host "conan-old" nears to its end of lifetime and should be 
powered off in the near future.

There are still some running processes at host "conan-old" (IP:

- postgres
- mysql
- IWR project builder
- DDUNE project builder

The automated builders are generating data so far within:

(... 2017-06-14 /project/iwr/htdocs/teaching/swprakt_F_ws2010 ...)

(... 2017-06-14 /project/dune-project/builder/Data/dunehead/... ...)

Is there any further need to run the build processes or any need to run 
a database instance? If not I'll terminate these processes next week.

The following users may be in question to have access to her home data 
for the last time:

Christian Engwer
Dan Popovic
Dominic kempf
Felix Heimann
Hanna Valtokari
Joachim Simon
Johannes Schönke
Jö Fahlke
Jurgis Pods
Markus Blatt
Olaf Ipisch
Ole Klein
Panos Drouvelis
Pavel Hron
Peter Bastian
Rebecca Neumann
Rene Hess
Sandra Barteit
Stefan Lang
Steffen Muething
Sven Marnach
Thorben Kurz

There is also a lot of data at locations /data4 and /data5.

Any more need for it?

Hope I doesn't have overlooked something.
Happy feast day!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Joachim Simon

Email: Joachim.Simon at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Fon: +49 (0)6221 54-14505
Fax: +49 (0)6221 54-14529

IWR / Mathematikon
FG Paralleles Rechnen, Zi. 01/209
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
D-69120 Heidelberg

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