[dune-pdelab] Dune PDELab (2.5) Constraints questions

Michael Wenske m_wens01 at wwu.de
Tue Jun 12 11:07:55 CEST 2018

Dear all!

I am struggling with the Constraints implementation and the assembly of
such in Dune::PDELab.
I want to constrain all degrees of freedom within a subvolume(tumor) in
the inside of my domain(brain).

My degrees of freedom are an the edges of a quadrilateral Grid and are
assembled, via the alpha_volume(...)
methods in the local operator. I've studied files like
pdelab/constraints/conforming.hh and their interface seems to imply that
only fluxes over an -interface-  are
to be dirichlet constrained. Now theoretically there should be no
difference wether a dof is restricted by a loop
which is iterating over the interfaces, or if it is iterating the volumes.

Question 1: can I use the skeleton constraints and volume constraints
interchangeably as long as i
hit the right dof's and set their transformation to empty?

I see that there is an interface to pass an object to the constraints
assembler which might be used
to let the user define the constraints via a simple lambda. something like:

using CON = Dune::PDELab::OverlappingConformingDirichletConstraints;
using CC = typename GFS::template
auto bc_lambda = [&](const auto& i,const auto& x) {return
auto b = Dune::PDELab::makeBoundaryConditionFromCallable(*gv_p,bc_lambda);

Dune::PDELab::constraints(b,*gfs_p, *cc_p);

My problem is that the above function will derive from
DirichletConstraintsParameters, again
being restricted to the outer boundary and not the inside. On a wider
scale I see the ConstraintsParameters
interfaces which I take are there to define the type of the object and
signature of the methods contained in b.
This object is then passed all the way down to the actual method
deciding isDirichlet or isNeumann etc.

2. Is the XXXParameters concept to have the user write these
interfaces...and then implement the constraints class using it him/herself?
How would I use the Parameter Interface so that my constraints would
work with existing implementations?

I did'nt give up yet. I wrote my own constraints class. It's a little
class fulfilling (afaik) the interface for the
VolumeConstraints given in pdelab/constraints/common/constraints.hh (see

it will get an elementGeometry from the assembler, decide if this dof is
to be restricted or not by the position of
the dof's (isTumor(pos)) and then set the transformation to empty. I can
debug right into the line where the
transformation is set to empty.

            // check if this corner-dof is supposed to be constrained
            if (medData_p->isTumor(pos)) trafo[lfs.dofIndex(i)] = empty;

I can not grasp where i went wrong, and I guess there is some conceptual
i am missing about the way these interfaces are written. When i run the
program it tells me that there are -zero-
constrained dof's in my gridfunctionspace even though, when I debug the
assembly procedure seems to take
place correctly. Also the way I now do it, I do not use the
ConstraintsParameter Object passed into my class at all.

3. If anybody could give a quick overview about the -idea- behind the
setup of constraints in pdelab , or what i am currently missing, i would
be most
grateful. What would be the cleanest way for a user to implement the
constriction of dof's at different positions in the domain?

I would also be gratefull for hits to any code examples where people
have implemented interior boundary conditions before.

thank you in advance,


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