Dear PDELab Members,<br><br>I am requesting for clarification on the example code in the directory<br>dune-pdelab-howto/src/convection-diffusion/<br>In the section for calculating the L2 error(commented), there is a line like this:<br>
<br><b><i>typedef DifferenceSquaredAdapter<G,UDGF> DifferenceSquared;</i></b><br><br>Can someone help me understand which type is G?. Apparently I dont see it declared<br>anywhere in the code. Can I adapt the <i><b>" class</b> DifferenceSquaredAdapter</i> " to determine the L2<br>
error of my solution?.<br>Kind regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div>Jared Ouma Okiro,</div>
<div>Institute for Analysis and Numerics,</div>
<div>Otto-von- Guericke Universität,</div>
<div>Universitätsplatz 02, Gebaude 02 / 115<br>39106 Magdeburg, Germany<br></div>
<div>Office Tel: +493916712660<br>Fax: +493916718073<br>Mobile: +4917657479787<br>Home Tel: +4939155917376<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>