[Dune] FunctionSpace and DiscreteFunctions.

Thimo Neubauer thimo.neubauer at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Dec 1 13:59:59 CET 2004


On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 11:40:30AM +0100, Robert Kloefkorn wrote:
> From no on a function space lives on a certain level of the grid no 
> matter wether this is the leaf level or a level of the grid hierarchy.
> A discrete function still belongs to only one function space.

This may be a silly question: how do I create a discrete function that
lives on the grid seen by the LeafIterator, i.e. that only has DoFs on
the leaves? Do I have to set a special level-parameter in the
constructor for that? Or didn't I understand the scheme?

I'm asking because that would be the kind of functions our students
should write visualization code for.


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