[Dune] Question regarding removal of index, subindex and the like

Adrian Burri burriad at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Aug 16 09:16:04 CEST 2005

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get ALUGrid conforming to the Dune 1.0 specifications and 
encountered a problem: index(), subIndex() and globalIndex() shall 
disappear from Entity<0,...>, since the IndexSets now provide this 
information. But the default implementation uses these very methods to 
implement index() and subIndex(). So, the question is: should we leave 
at least index() and subindex() where there are or come up with another 
workaround, and what would that be? (A friend declaration in 
Entity<0...> ? Possible, but I'd prefer another solution).


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