[Fwd: Re: [Dune] printing wrong geometry name]

Adrian Burri burriad at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Aug 17 13:02:46 CEST 2005

This was intended for the public, I suppose.

Hi alltogehter,

Adrian Burri wrote:
> Oliver Sander wrote:
>> isn't it about time we throw out those deprecated GeometryTypes
>> altogether?
> I agree. But there are a few remainders of this change, which need to be
> sorted out first. One are the LagrangeBaseFunctions
> <dune/fem/lagrangebase/lagrangebasefunctions.hh>, which are parametrized
> with the old types and the old quadrature classes <dune/quadrature/...>.
> I suggest that someone who proposed the modification of the GeometryType
> volunteers to adjust the code in these places, as I don't have the time
> to do it right now.
Me neither. Maybe we provide a transformation from the new types top the
old types for the first time. Then we don't have to change to hole code
right now. Dune 1.0 is more serious and  there are a lot more thing to
do then to remove "deprecated" GeometryTypes.



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