[Dune] Reference hexahedron

Adrian Burri burriad at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Wed May 4 10:08:35 CEST 2005

Hi everyone!

I've got a question regarding the reference element for a hexahedron: is 
there a convention for the local numbering of the vertices on the faces 
of the hexahedron? (Say, I want to write something like 
hexa.myvertex(hexaFaceIndex, vertexIndex), hexaFaceIndex \in {0, 5}, 
vertexIndex \in {0, 3}, which is the corresponding index hexaVertexIndex 
\in {0, 7} of the hexahedron?)

Another question: is the face numbering of the hexahedron on the Dune 
homepage indeed correct? (Shouldn't be 2 at the front and 4 at the bottom?)

I'd appreciate some comment on this!



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