[Dune] RE: Anfrage 2d integration in 3d grids.

Leidenberger Patrick Patrick.Leidenberger at psi.ch
Thu Nov 9 10:24:25 CET 2006

Hi Robert, hi Christian,

Thanks a lot!!!! For the help a the tips for my code.

Please allow me two more questions:
What have to be changed in the integration if I want to use the intersection iterator instead of the LeafIterator for the faces?
What is the way to get the respective tetrahedron/tetrahedra to a face, if I oly have a LeafIterator to it.

>Was läuft denn bei euch grad so. Wäre
>interessant mal zu wissen, was ihr mit ALUGrid genau treibt.

We writing a new general timedomain FE code for electromagnetics using hierarchical base function (Whitney base functions) to approximate the Maxwell equations on a tetrahedral ALUGrid mesh. The base functions can be of different polynomial order and associated with different topological entities in the mesh. This code should be used to simulate dispersion of georadar in collaboration with the Institute of Envirionmental Physics from Heidelberg and also for the desin of accelerator structures here at PSI.



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