[Dune] Changes in UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator

Oliver Sander sander at mi.fu-berlin.de
Tue May 8 17:40:23 CEST 2007

Dear Dune!
I just committed a patch which generalizes the implementation
of the UGGrid LeafIntersectionIterator to also handle noncon-
forming intersections.   With this patch you may experience
mysterious crashes when using the iterator on a grid which
contains refinement marks.  In that case please update your


* Oliver Sander                ** email: sander at mi.fu-berlin.de        *
* Freie Universität Berlin     ** phone: + 49 (30) 838 75217           *
* Institut für Mathematik II   ** URL  : page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~sander  *
* Arnimallee 6                 ** -------------------------------------*
* 14195 Berlin, Germany        ** Member of MATHEON (www.matheon.de)   *

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