[Dune] The next Dune developer meeting
Oliver Sander
sander at mi.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 3 10:58:37 CET 2008
This is the first announcement of the next Dune developer
meeting, to be held at the Freie Universität Berlin on
February 27. and 28. (wednesday and thursday). Please
let me know if you plan to attend and if you need
accomodation. We plan to offer two different locations
for accomodation: first the trusty Ravenna hotel, which
is in walking distance of the university, secondly something
in Kreuzberg, where it is easier to get a beer at night.
There is no agenda for the meeting yet. Please let me
know if you have any proposals. Here is what I would
like to see discussed:
- improvements to the release procedure
- an evaluation and revision of the grid interface
- go through the list of open bugs, vote on what to
do, and assign them. Progress an many of them seems
to be stuck because there is no clear decision on
what to do and nobody feels responsible.
- the new discretization module
- ...
In conjunction with the developer meeting we are hosting
a workshop on
Data Structures for Finite Element and Finite Volume Computations
on friday, Feb.29. Confirmed speakers so far are Stefan Turek
and Nicola Botta. We'd be happy if some of the participants
of the developer meeting could stay for the workshop as well.
More detailed information will come in a separate inviation shortly.
So long,
* Oliver Sander ** email: sander at mi.fu-berlin.de *
* Freie Universität Berlin ** phone: + 49 (30) 838 75217 *
* Institut für Mathematik II ** URL : page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~sander *
* Arnimallee 6 ** -------------------------------------*
* 14195 Berlin, Germany ** Member of MATHEON (www.matheon.de) *
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