[Dune] [#459] Make the parameter 'codim' of subIndex a run-time parameter

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Tue Nov 11 11:33:39 CET 2008


A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Oliver Sander (sander) 

Attached to Project - Dune
Summary - Make the parameter 'codim' of subIndex a run-time parameter
Task Type - Feature Request
Category - Grid
Status - New
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Unspecified / All
Severity - Medium
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - SVN
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - Currently the index (and id) sets provide methods subIndex (subId), which, for a given codim 0 entity, provide the indices of its subentities of given codimension.  This codimension argument is a compile-time argument.

This is problematic.  Why?  Imagine you are doing a higher-order method.  While assembling your stiffness matrix you loop over the shape functions of an element.  Each shape function tells you to which subentity it belongs.  Now in order to add the element matrix to the global matrix you need the index of this subentity.  Since our method is of higher order the codimensions of the relevant subentities are not constant.

I suspect that you do not lose speed at all when converting codim argument to a run-time one.  In cases where the codim really is a compile-time constant most of the code you still be optimized away

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