[Dune] About geometryInInSide in UGGrid

Yufei Cao iwsycao at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Apr 2 14:53:54 CEST 2009

Dear all,

Thank all of you so much for your solutions! Finally I 
solve the problem.

Before I changed the structure, I always configured Dune 
with --enable-parallel but use sequential UG. At that 
time, the code worked.

Now after I change the code in terms of the non-deprecated 
version of DUNE files, I got problem. In terms of what you 
told, I reconfigure DUNE without --enable-parallel, then 
everything works fine again.

I also try to configure both DUNE and UG with 
--enable-parallel, Then I have to add

#include"dune/common/mpihelper.hh" // An initializer of 

int main(int argc, char** argv){
     //Maybe initialize Mpi
     Dune::MPIHelper& helper = 
Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);

     // my old code
   }catch (Dune::Exception &e){
     std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << 

into my own code as Markus said. However, the code only 
works with the UGGrid for the dgf format parsed for an 
Interval block, but not for the grid generated using the 
information from the Vertex block. No idea about this. So 
at the moment I keep DUNE and UG in a sequential way.

Best regards,

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