[Dune] GenericReferenceElements

Carsten Graeser graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Wed Apr 22 11:33:10 CEST 2009

Dear Dune,
the new GenericReferenceElements do not only introduce a new numbering
but also a use a different embedding of lower dim ReferenceElements.
E.g. the edges in a triangle are oriented differently. This can be seen
by checking the subEntity method in the (Generic-)ReferenrenceElements.

Is this the desired behaviour ? If yes this should be mentioned on
the transition page. A complete solution would be the introduction
of arrows in the subentity graphics to show the old and new orientation.

Carsten Gräser           | phone: +49-30 / 838-75349
Freie Universität Berlin | fax  : +49-30 / 838-54977
Institut für Mathematik  | email: graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Arnimallee 6             |
14195 Berlin, Germany    | URL  : http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/graeser

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