[Dune] [#506] Coarsening of ALUGrid very slow on large grids

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Mon Feb 23 18:42:20 CET 2009


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#506 - Coarsening of ALUGrid very slow on large grids
User who did this - Uli Sack (usack)

I did some more timing experiments in order to pinpoint where the time goes. In the adapt()-method in dune-grid/grid/alugrid/2d/grid_imp.cc I added three timing sections: refine, coarse, updateStatus are timed separately. This is the result:

Refine cycle 5:
marking: 0.656041
preAdapt(): 0
ALUGrid; refine time: 15.301
ALUGrid; coarse time: 0.832052
ALUGrid; updateStatus time: 3.46022
adapt() 434779 -> 1665515: 19.5932
postAdapt(): 0.580036
cumulated: 22.8614

Coarsen cycle 0:
marking: 1.13607
preAdapt(): 0
ALUGrid; refine time: 2.10413
ALUGrid; coarse time: 888.58
ALUGrid; updateStatus time: 0.992062
adapt() 1665515 -> 436699: 891.676
postAdapt(): 0.15201
cumulated: 893.528


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