[Dune] PSI Summer Student Dune Question

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Mon Jul 27 13:59:21 CEST 2009

Am Mon, 27. Jul 2009, 13:27:11 +0200 schrieb Aleksejs Fomins:
> I am a summer student working at PSI.
> I am working on a project Hades with Dr. Benedikt Oswald.
> My task at the moment is implementing base functions.
> Could you please suggest a way to declare a constant FieldVector using 3 
> given coordinates in Dune.
> If it was just an array, I would have written something like
> const double myVector[3] = {myXcoordinate, myYcoordinate, myZcoordinate};

This is really difficult in C++ -- the new upcoming standars supports this
kind of stuff, but with the current standard it is a pain.  There are two

 a) don't make the vector constant, and assign values to the elements after

    FieldVector<double, 3> unity_x(0);
    unity_x[0] = 1;

 b) make a function which will create a FieldVector and use that to initialize
    the other vector:

    template<typename ct>
    FieldVector<ct,3> makeFieldVector(ct x, ct y, ct z) {
      FieldVector<ct,3> ret;
      ret[0] = x;
      ret[1] = y;
      ret[2] = z;
      return ret;
    const FieldVector<double, 3> unity_x(makeFieldVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));

    Of course, this solution is only really possible if you really only want
    to support FieldVectors of a certain length.  And it is probably much more
    inefficient than a) due to the two copying operations required.


It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but
an act of murder.
-- Albert Einstein
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