[Dune] gmsh vs. gmesh

Oliver Sander sander at mi.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jun 5 13:32:37 CEST 2009

When I look at what seems to be the official homepage


the spelling is gmsh, not gmesh


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[Dune-Commit] dune-grid r5232 - trunk/grid/io/file
Datum: 	Thu, 04 Jun 2009 21:20:25 +0200
Von: 	peter at dune-project.org
An: 	dune-commit at dune-project.org

Author: peter
Date: 2009-06-04 21:20:25 +0200 (Thu, 04 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 5232

gmsh is actually called gmesh!
Also the reader class has been renamed.

Copied: trunk/grid/io/file/gmeshreader.hh (from rev 5231, trunk/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh)
--- trunk/grid/io/file/gmeshreader.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/grid/io/file/gmeshreader.hh	2009-06-04 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5232)
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+namespace Dune {
+  /**
+     \ingroup Gmesh
+     \{
+   */
+  //! Options for read operation
+  struct GmeshReaderOptions
+  {
+    enum GeometryOrder {
+      /** @brief edges are straight lines. */
+      firstOrder,
+      /** @brief quadratic boundary approximation. */
+      secondOrder 
+    };
+  };
+  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
+  template<int dimension>
+  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment
+  {
+  };
+    // linear boundary segments in 1d
+  template<>
+  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<2> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<2>
+  {
+  public:
+    GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p1_)
+      : p0(p0_), p1(p1_)
+    {}
+    virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,2> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,1>& local) const
+    {
+      Dune::FieldVector<double,2> y;
+      y = 0.0;
+      y.axpy(1.0-local[0],p0);
+      y.axpy(local[0],p1);
+      return y;
+    }
+  private:
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0,p1;
+  };
+  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
+  template<int dimension>
+  class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment
+  {
+  };
+    // quadratic boundary segments in 1d
+    /*
+      Note the points
+      (0)   (alpha)   (1)
+      are mapped to the points in global coordinates
+      p0 p2 p1
+      alpha is determined automatically from the given points.
+     */
+    template <>
+    class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<2> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<2>
+    {
+    public:
+      GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p1_, 
+                                Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p2_)
+        : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_)
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> d1(p1);
+        d1 -= p0;
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> d2(p2);
+        d2 -= p1;
+        alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
+        if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
+          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "ration in quadratic boundary segment bad");
+      }
+      virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,2> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,1>& local) const
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> y;
+        y = 0.0;
+        y.axpy((local[0]-alpha)*(local[0]-1.0)/alpha,p0);
+        y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-1.0)/(alpha*(alpha-1.0)),p1);
+        y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-alpha)/(1.0-alpha),p2);
+        return y;
+      }
+    private:
+      Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0,p1,p2;
+      double alpha;
+    };
+  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
+  template<typename GridType, int dimension>
+  class GmeshReaderImp
+  {
+  };
+  template<typename GridType>
+  class GmeshReaderImp<GridType,2>
+  {
+  public:
+    template<typename T>
+    static GridType* read(Dune::GridFactory<GridType>& factory, const std::string& fileName, 
+                          bool verbose, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
+                          std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity)
+    { 
+      // the grid dimension
+      const int dim = GridType::dimension;
+      // open file name, we use C I/O
+      FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
+      if (file==0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Could not open " << fileName);
+      // a read buffer
+      char buf[512];
+      //=========================================
+      // Pass 1: Read vertices into vector
+      //         Check vertices that are needed
+      //         Renumber needed vertices
+      //=========================================
+      int boundary_element_count = 0;
+      int element_count = 0;
+      // process header
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
+      int version_number, file_type, data_size;
+      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
+      if (version_number!=2)
+         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "version 2 Gmesh file detected" << std::endl; 
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
+      // node section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
+      int number_of_nodes;
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_nodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
+      std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> > nodes(number_of_nodes+1); // store positions
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
+        {
+          int id;
+          double x,y,z;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
+          //          if (verbose) std::cout << id << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
+          if (id!=i)
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
+          Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> position;
+          position[0] = x; position[1] = y;
+          nodes[i] = position; // just store node position
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
+      // element section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
+      int number_of_elements;
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_elements << " elements" << std::endl; 
+      unsigned int number_of_real_vertices=0;  // count number of vertices that are really needed
+      std::map<int,unsigned int> renumber;
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
+        {
+          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
+          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
+          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
+            {
+              int blub;
+              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
+              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
+              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
+              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
+            }
+          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(6);
+          switch (elm_type)
+            {
+            case 1: // 2-node line
+              simplexVertices.resize(2);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]));
+              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    //                   std::cout << "real vertex " << number_of_real_vertices << " at " << nodes[simplexVertices[i]] << " old number was " << simplexVertices[i] << std::endl;
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                 }
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 8: // 3-node line
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 2: // 3-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 9: // 6-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(6);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            default:            
+              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
+            }
+        }
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of real vertices = " << number_of_real_vertices << std::endl;
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of boundary elements = " << boundary_element_count << std::endl;
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of elements = " << element_count << std::endl;
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
+      boundary_id_to_physical_entity.resize(boundary_element_count);
+      element_index_to_physical_entity.resize(element_count);
+      //==============================================
+      // Pass 2: Insert boundary segments and elements
+      //==============================================
+      // go to beginning of file
+      rewind(file);
+      boundary_element_count = 0;
+      element_count = 0;
+      // process header
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
+      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
+      if (version_number!=2)
+         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
+      // node section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
+        {
+          int id;
+          double x,y,z;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
+          if (id!=i)
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
+      // element section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
+        {
+          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
+          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
+          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
+            {
+              int blub;
+              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
+              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
+              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
+              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
+            }
+          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(6);
+          std::vector<unsigned int> vertices(3);
+          switch (elm_type)
+            {
+            case 1: // 2-node line
+                // read the vertices, but don't do anything with them.  Linear boundary
+                // segments are the default.
+              simplexVertices.resize(2);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]));
+              vertices.resize(2);
+              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<2>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]]));
+              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 8: // 3-node line
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              vertices.resize(2);
+              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<2>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],
+                                                                         nodes[simplexVertices[2]],
+                                                                         nodes[simplexVertices[1]]));
+              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 2: // 3-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              vertices.resize(3);
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
+              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 9: // 6-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(6);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
+              vertices.resize(3);
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
+              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
+             element_count++;
+             break;
+            default:            
+              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
+            }
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
+      fclose(file);
+      return factory.createGrid();
+    }
+  };
+    // linear boundary segments in 2d
+  template <>
+  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<3> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<3>
+  {
+  public:
+    GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p1_,
+                           Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p2_)
+      : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_)
+    {
+      //        std::cout << "created boundary segment " << p0 << " | " << p1 << " | " << p2 << std::endl; 
+    }
+    virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,3> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+    {
+      Dune::FieldVector<double,3> y;
+      y = 0.0;
+      y.axpy(1.0-local[0]-local[1],p0);
+      y.axpy(local[0],p1);
+      y.axpy(local[1],p2);
+      //        std::cout << "eval boundary segment local=" << local << " y=" << y << std::endl;
+      return y;
+    }
+  private:
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0,p1,p2;
+  };
+    // quadratic boundary segments in 2d
+    /* numbering of points corresponding to gmsh:
+       2
+       5  4
+       0  3  1
+       Note: The vertices 3, 4, 5 are not necessarily at the edge midpoints but can
+       be placed with parameters alpha, beta , gamma at the following positions
+       in local coordinates:
+       2 = (0,1)
+       5 = (0,beta)   4 = (1-gamma/sqrt(2),gamma/sqrt(2))
+       0 = (0,0)      3 = (alpha,0)                        1 = (1,0)
+       The parameters alpha, beta, gamma are determined from the given vertices in 
+       global coordinates.
+     */
+    template <>
+    class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<3> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<3>
+    {
+    public:
+        GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p1_, 
+                                Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p2_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p3_,
+                                Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p4_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p5_)
+        : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_), p3(p3_), p4(p4_), p5(p5_)
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,3> d1,d2;
+        d1 = p3; d1 -= p0;
+        d2 = p1; d2 -= p3;
+        alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
+        if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
+          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "alpha in quadratic boundary segment bad");
+        d1 = p5; d1 -= p0;
+        d2 = p2; d2 -= p5;
+        beta=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
+        if (beta<1E-6 || beta>1-1E-6)
+          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "beta in quadratic boundary segment bad");
+        d1 = p4; d1 -= p1;
+        d2 = p2; d2 -= p4;
+        gamma=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
+        if (gamma<1E-6 || gamma>1-1E-6)
+          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "gamma in quadratic boundary segment bad");
+        sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
+      }
+      virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,3> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,3> y;
+        y = 0.0;
+        y.axpy(phi0(local),p0);
+        y.axpy(phi1(local),p1);
+        y.axpy(phi2(local),p2);
+        y.axpy(phi3(local),p3);
+        y.axpy(phi4(local),p4);
+        y.axpy(phi5(local),p5);
+        return y;
+      }
+    private:
+      // The six Lagrange basis function on the reference element
+      // for the points given above
+      double phi0 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return (alpha*beta-beta*local[0]-alpha*local[1])*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*beta);
+      }
+      double phi3 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return local[0]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*(1-alpha));
+      }
+      double phi1 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return local[0]*(gamma*local[0]-(sqrt2-gamma-sqrt2*alpha)*local[1]-alpha*gamma)/(gamma*(1-alpha));
+      }
+      double phi5 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return local[1]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(beta*(1-beta));
+      }
+      double phi4 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return local[0]*local[1]/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*gamma/sqrt2);
+      }
+      double phi2 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
+      {
+        return local[1]*(beta*(1-gamma/sqrt2)-local[0]*(beta-gamma/sqrt2)-local[1]*(1-gamma/sqrt2))/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*(beta-1));
+      }
+      Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
+      double alpha,beta,gamma,sqrt2;
+    };
+  template<typename GridType>
+  class GmeshReaderImp<GridType,3>
+  {
+  public:
+    template<typename T>
+    static GridType* read(Dune::GridFactory<GridType>& factory, const std::string& fileName, 
+                          bool verbose, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
+                          std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity)
+    { 
+      // the grid dimension
+      const int dim = GridType::dimension;
+      // open file name, we use C I/O
+      FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
+      if (file==0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Could not open " << fileName);
+      // a read buffer
+      char buf[512];
+      //=========================================
+      // Pass 1: Read vertices into vector
+      //         Check vertices that are needed
+      //         Renumber needed vertices
+      //=========================================
+      int boundary_element_count = 0;
+      int element_count = 0;
+      // process header
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
+      int version_number, file_type, data_size;
+      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
+      if (version_number!=2)
+         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "version 2 Gmesh file detected" << std::endl; 
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
+      // node section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
+      int number_of_nodes;
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_nodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
+      std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> > nodes(number_of_nodes+1); // store positions
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++) // note: ids are starting with 1!
+        {
+          int id;
+          double x,y,z;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
+          //          if (verbose) std::cout << id << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
+          if (id!=i)
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
+          Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> position;
+          position[0] = x; position[1] = y; position[2] = z;
+          nodes[i] = position; // just store node position
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
+      // element section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
+      int number_of_elements;
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_elements << " elements" << std::endl; 
+      unsigned int number_of_real_vertices=0;  // count number of vertices that are really needed
+      std::map<int,unsigned int> renumber;
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++) // note: ids are starting with 1!
+        {
+          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
+          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
+          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
+            {
+              int blub;
+              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
+              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
+              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
+              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
+            }
+          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(10);
+          switch (elm_type)
+            {
+            case 2: // 3-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              for (size_t i=0; i<simplexVertices.size(); i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 4: // 4-node tetrahedron
+              simplexVertices.resize(4);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),&(simplexVertices[3]));
+              for (size_t i=0; i<simplexVertices.size(); i++)
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 9: // 6-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(6);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++) // insert only the first three !
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 11: // 10-node tetrahedron
+              simplexVertices.resize(10);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                     &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]),
+                     &(simplexVertices[6]),&(simplexVertices[7]),&(simplexVertices[8]),&(simplexVertices[9]));
+              for (int i=0; i<4; i++) // insert only the first four !
+                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
+                  {
+                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
+                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
+                  }
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            default:            
+              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
+            }
+        }
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of real vertices = " << number_of_real_vertices << std::endl;
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of boundary elements = " << boundary_element_count << std::endl;
+      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of elements = " << element_count << std::endl;
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
+      boundary_id_to_physical_entity.resize(boundary_element_count);
+      element_index_to_physical_entity.resize(element_count);
+      //==============================================
+      // Pass 2: Insert boundary segments and elements
+      //==============================================
+      // go to beginning of file
+      rewind(file);
+      boundary_element_count = 0;
+      element_count = 0;
+      // process header
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
+      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
+      if (version_number!=2)
+         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
+      // node section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
+        {
+          int id;
+          double x,y,z;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
+          if (id!=i)
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
+      // element section
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
+      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
+      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
+        {
+          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
+          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
+          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
+          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
+            {
+              int blub;
+              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
+              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
+              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
+              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
+            }
+          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(10);
+          std::vector<unsigned int> vertices(10);
+          switch (elm_type)
+            {
+            case 2: // 3-node triangle
+                // Read the vertices but don't do anything with them.  Linear boundary segments
+                // are the default anyways.
+              simplexVertices.resize(3);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
+              vertices.resize(3);
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<3>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]],nodes[simplexVertices[2]]));
+              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 9: // 6-node triangle
+              simplexVertices.resize(6);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
+              vertices.resize(3);
+              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices first three vertices
+              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<3>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]],nodes[simplexVertices[2]],
+                                                                                  nodes[simplexVertices[3]],nodes[simplexVertices[4]],nodes[simplexVertices[5]]));
+              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
+              boundary_element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 4: // 4-node tetrahedron
+              simplexVertices.resize(4);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),&(simplexVertices[3]));
+              vertices.resize(4);
+              for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
+              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            case 11: // 10-node tetrahedron
+              simplexVertices.resize(10);
+              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
+                     &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]),
+                     &(simplexVertices[6]),&(simplexVertices[7]),&(simplexVertices[8]),&(simplexVertices[9]));
+              vertices.resize(4);
+              for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
+              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
+              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
+              element_count++;
+              break;
+            default:            
+              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
+            }
+        }
+      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
+      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
+      fclose(file);
+      return factory.createGrid();
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+     \ingroup Gmesh
+     \brief Read Gmesh mesh file
+     Read a .msh file generated using Gmesh and construct a grid using the grid factory interface.
+   */
+  template<typename GridType>
+  class GmeshReader
+  {
+  public:
+    /** \todo doc me */
+    static GridType* read (const std::string& fileName, bool verbose = true)
+    { 
+      // make a grid factory
+      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory;
+      std::vector<int> boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
+      std::vector<int> element_index_to_physical_entity;
+      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
+                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
+                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
+    }
+    /** \todo doc me */
+    template<typename T>
+    static GridType* read (const std::string& fileName, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
+                           std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity, bool verbose = true)
+    { 
+      // make a grid factory
+      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory;
+      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
+                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
+                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
+    }
+    /** \todo doc me */
+    static GridType* read (GridType& grid, const std::string& fileName, 
+                           bool verbose = true)
+    { 
+      // make a grid factory
+      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory(&grid);
+      // store dummy 
+      std::vector<int> boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
+      std::vector<int> element_index_to_physical_entity;
+      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
+                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
+                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
+    }
+    /** \todo doc me */
+    template<typename T>
+    static GridType* read (GridType& grid, const std::string& fileName, 
+                           std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
+                           std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity,
+                           bool verbose = true)
+    { 
+      // make a grid factory
+      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory(&grid);
+      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
+                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
+                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
+    }
+  };
+  /** \} */
+} // namespace Dune

Deleted: trunk/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh
--- trunk/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh	2009-06-04 19:19:30 UTC (rev 5231)
+++ trunk/grid/io/file/gmshreader.hh	2009-06-04 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5232)
@@ -1,887 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-namespace Dune {
-  /**
-     \ingroup Gmesh
-     \{
-   */
-  //! Options for read operation
-  struct GmeshReaderOptions
-  {
-    enum GeometryOrder {
-      /** @brief edges are straight lines. */
-      firstOrder,
-      /** @brief quadratic boundary approximation. */
-      secondOrder 
-    };
-  };
-  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
-  template<int dimension>
-  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment
-  {
-  };
-    // linear boundary segments in 1d
-  template<>
-  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<2> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<2>
-  {
-  public:
-    GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p1_)
-      : p0(p0_), p1(p1_)
-    {}
-    virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,2> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,1>& local) const
-    {
-      Dune::FieldVector<double,2> y;
-      y = 0.0;
-      y.axpy(1.0-local[0],p0);
-      y.axpy(local[0],p1);
-      return y;
-    }
-  private:
-    Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0,p1;
-  };
-  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
-  template<int dimension>
-  class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment
-  {
-  };
-    // quadratic boundary segments in 1d
-    /*
-      Note the points
-      (0)   (alpha)   (1)
-      are mapped to the points in global coordinates
-      p0 p2 p1
-      alpha is determined automatically from the given points.
-     */
-    template <>
-    class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<2> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<2>
-    {
-    public:
-      GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p1_, 
-                                Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p2_)
-        : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_)
-      {
-        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> d1(p1);
-        d1 -= p0;
-        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> d2(p2);
-        d2 -= p1;
-        alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
-        if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
-          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "ration in quadratic boundary segment bad");
-      }
-      virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,2> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,1>& local) const
-      {
-        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> y;
-        y = 0.0;
-        y.axpy((local[0]-alpha)*(local[0]-1.0)/alpha,p0);
-        y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-1.0)/(alpha*(alpha-1.0)),p1);
-        y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-alpha)/(1.0-alpha),p2);
-        return y;
-      }
-    private:
-      Dune::FieldVector<double,2> p0,p1,p2;
-      double alpha;
-    };
-  // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
-  template<typename GridType, int dimension>
-  class GmeshReaderImp
-  {
-  };
-  template<typename GridType>
-  class GmeshReaderImp<GridType,2>
-  {
-  public:
-    template<typename T>
-    static GridType* read(Dune::GridFactory<GridType>& factory, const std::string& fileName, 
-                          bool verbose, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
-                          std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity)
-    { 
-      // the grid dimension
-      const int dim = GridType::dimension;
-      // open file name, we use C I/O
-      FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
-      if (file==0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Could not open " << fileName);
-      // a read buffer
-      char buf[512];
-      //=========================================
-      // Pass 1: Read vertices into vector
-      //         Check vertices that are needed
-      //         Renumber needed vertices
-      //=========================================
-      int boundary_element_count = 0;
-      int element_count = 0;
-      // process header
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
-      int version_number, file_type, data_size;
-      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
-      if (version_number!=2)
-         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "version 2 Gmesh file detected" << std::endl; 
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
-      // node section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
-      int number_of_nodes;
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_nodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
-      std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> > nodes(number_of_nodes+1); // store positions
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
-        {
-          int id;
-          double x,y,z;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
-          //          if (verbose) std::cout << id << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
-          if (id!=i)
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
-          Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> position;
-          position[0] = x; position[1] = y;
-          nodes[i] = position; // just store node position
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
-      // element section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
-      int number_of_elements;
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_elements << " elements" << std::endl; 
-      unsigned int number_of_real_vertices=0;  // count number of vertices that are really needed
-      std::map<int,unsigned int> renumber;
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
-        {
-          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
-          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
-          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
-            {
-              int blub;
-              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
-              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
-              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
-              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
-            }
-          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(6);
-          switch (elm_type)
-            {
-            case 1: // 2-node line
-              simplexVertices.resize(2);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]));
-              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    //                   std::cout << "real vertex " << number_of_real_vertices << " at " << nodes[simplexVertices[i]] << " old number was " << simplexVertices[i] << std::endl;
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                 }
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 8: // 3-node line
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 2: // 3-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 9: // 6-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(6);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            default:            
-              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
-            }
-        }
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of real vertices = " << number_of_real_vertices << std::endl;
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of boundary elements = " << boundary_element_count << std::endl;
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of elements = " << element_count << std::endl;
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
-      boundary_id_to_physical_entity.resize(boundary_element_count);
-      element_index_to_physical_entity.resize(element_count);
-      //==============================================
-      // Pass 2: Insert boundary segments and elements
-      //==============================================
-      // go to beginning of file
-      rewind(file);
-      boundary_element_count = 0;
-      element_count = 0;
-      // process header
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
-      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
-      if (version_number!=2)
-         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
-      // node section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
-        {
-          int id;
-          double x,y,z;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
-          if (id!=i)
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
-      // element section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
-        {
-          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
-          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
-          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
-            {
-              int blub;
-              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
-              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
-              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
-              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
-            }
-          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(6);
-          std::vector<unsigned int> vertices(3);
-          switch (elm_type)
-            {
-            case 1: // 2-node line
-                // read the vertices, but don't do anything with them.  Linear boundary
-                // segments are the default.
-              simplexVertices.resize(2);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]));
-              vertices.resize(2);
-              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<2>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]]));
-              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 8: // 3-node line
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              vertices.resize(2);
-              for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<2>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],
-                                                                         nodes[simplexVertices[2]],
-                                                                         nodes[simplexVertices[1]]));
-              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 2: // 3-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              vertices.resize(3);
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
-              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 9: // 6-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(6);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
-              vertices.resize(3);
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
-              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
-             element_count++;
-             break;
-            default:            
-              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
-            }
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
-      fclose(file);
-      return factory.createGrid();
-    }
-  };
-    // linear boundary segments in 2d
-  template <>
-  class GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<3> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<3>
-  {
-  public:
-    GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p1_,
-                           Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p2_)
-      : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_)
-    {
-      //        std::cout << "created boundary segment " << p0 << " | " << p1 << " | " << p2 << std::endl; 
-    }
-    virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,3> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-    {
-      Dune::FieldVector<double,3> y;
-      y = 0.0;
-      y.axpy(1.0-local[0]-local[1],p0);
-      y.axpy(local[0],p1);
-      y.axpy(local[1],p2);
-      //        std::cout << "eval boundary segment local=" << local << " y=" << y << std::endl;
-      return y;
-    }
-  private:
-    Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0,p1,p2;
-  };
-    // quadratic boundary segments in 2d
-    /* numbering of points corresponding to gmsh:
-       2
-       5  4
-       0  3  1
-       Note: The vertices 3, 4, 5 are not necessarily at the edge midpoints but can
-       be placed with parameters alpha, beta , gamma at the following positions
-       in local coordinates:
-       2 = (0,1)
-       5 = (0,beta)   4 = (1-gamma/sqrt(2),gamma/sqrt(2))
-       0 = (0,0)      3 = (alpha,0)                        1 = (1,0)
-       The parameters alpha, beta, gamma are determined from the given vertices in 
-       global coordinates.
-     */
-    template <>
-    class GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<3> : public Dune::BoundarySegment<3>
-    {
-    public:
-        GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p1_, 
-                                Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p2_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p3_,
-                                Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p4_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p5_)
-        : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_), p3(p3_), p4(p4_), p5(p5_)
-      {
-        Dune::FieldVector<double,3> d1,d2;
-        d1 = p3; d1 -= p0;
-        d2 = p1; d2 -= p3;
-        alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
-        if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
-          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "alpha in quadratic boundary segment bad");
-        d1 = p5; d1 -= p0;
-        d2 = p2; d2 -= p5;
-        beta=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
-        if (beta<1E-6 || beta>1-1E-6)
-          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "beta in quadratic boundary segment bad");
-        d1 = p4; d1 -= p1;
-        d2 = p2; d2 -= p4;
-        gamma=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
-        if (gamma<1E-6 || gamma>1-1E-6)
-          DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "gamma in quadratic boundary segment bad");
-        sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
-      }
-      virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,3> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        Dune::FieldVector<double,3> y;
-        y = 0.0;
-        y.axpy(phi0(local),p0);
-        y.axpy(phi1(local),p1);
-        y.axpy(phi2(local),p2);
-        y.axpy(phi3(local),p3);
-        y.axpy(phi4(local),p4);
-        y.axpy(phi5(local),p5);
-        return y;
-      }
-    private:
-      // The six Lagrange basis function on the reference element
-      // for the points given above
-      double phi0 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return (alpha*beta-beta*local[0]-alpha*local[1])*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*beta);
-      }
-      double phi3 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return local[0]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*(1-alpha));
-      }
-      double phi1 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return local[0]*(gamma*local[0]-(sqrt2-gamma-sqrt2*alpha)*local[1]-alpha*gamma)/(gamma*(1-alpha));
-      }
-      double phi5 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return local[1]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(beta*(1-beta));
-      }
-      double phi4 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return local[0]*local[1]/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*gamma/sqrt2);
-      }
-      double phi2 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
-      {
-        return local[1]*(beta*(1-gamma/sqrt2)-local[0]*(beta-gamma/sqrt2)-local[1]*(1-gamma/sqrt2))/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*(beta-1));
-      }
-      Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
-      double alpha,beta,gamma,sqrt2;
-    };
-  template<typename GridType>
-  class GmeshReaderImp<GridType,3>
-  {
-  public:
-    template<typename T>
-    static GridType* read(Dune::GridFactory<GridType>& factory, const std::string& fileName, 
-                          bool verbose, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
-                          std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity)
-    { 
-      // the grid dimension
-      const int dim = GridType::dimension;
-      // open file name, we use C I/O
-      FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
-      if (file==0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Could not open " << fileName);
-      // a read buffer
-      char buf[512];
-      //=========================================
-      // Pass 1: Read vertices into vector
-      //         Check vertices that are needed
-      //         Renumber needed vertices
-      //=========================================
-      int boundary_element_count = 0;
-      int element_count = 0;
-      // process header
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
-      int version_number, file_type, data_size;
-      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
-      if (version_number!=2)
-         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "version 2 Gmesh file detected" << std::endl; 
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
-      // node section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
-      int number_of_nodes;
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_nodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
-      std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> > nodes(number_of_nodes+1); // store positions
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++) // note: ids are starting with 1!
-        {
-          int id;
-          double x,y,z;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
-          //          if (verbose) std::cout << id << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl;
-          if (id!=i)
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
-          Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> position;
-          position[0] = x; position[1] = y; position[2] = z;
-          nodes[i] = position; // just store node position
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
-      // element section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
-      int number_of_elements;
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_elements << " elements" << std::endl; 
-      unsigned int number_of_real_vertices=0;  // count number of vertices that are really needed
-      std::map<int,unsigned int> renumber;
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++) // note: ids are starting with 1!
-        {
-          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
-          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
-          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
-            {
-              int blub;
-              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
-              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
-              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
-              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
-            }
-          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(10);
-          switch (elm_type)
-            {
-            case 2: // 3-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              for (size_t i=0; i<simplexVertices.size(); i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 4: // 4-node tetrahedron
-              simplexVertices.resize(4);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),&(simplexVertices[3]));
-              for (size_t i=0; i<simplexVertices.size(); i++)
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 9: // 6-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(6);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++) // insert only the first three !
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 11: // 10-node tetrahedron
-              simplexVertices.resize(10);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                     &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]),
-                     &(simplexVertices[6]),&(simplexVertices[7]),&(simplexVertices[8]),&(simplexVertices[9]));
-              for (int i=0; i<4; i++) // insert only the first four !
-                if (renumber.find(simplexVertices[i])==renumber.end()) 
-                  {
-                    renumber[simplexVertices[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
-                    factory.insertVertex(nodes[simplexVertices[i]]);                  
-                  }
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            default:            
-              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
-            }
-        }
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of real vertices = " << number_of_real_vertices << std::endl;
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of boundary elements = " << boundary_element_count << std::endl;
-      if (verbose) std::cout << "number of elements = " << element_count << std::endl;
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
-      boundary_id_to_physical_entity.resize(boundary_element_count);
-      element_index_to_physical_entity.resize(element_count);
-      //==============================================
-      // Pass 2: Insert boundary segments and elements
-      //==============================================
-      // go to beginning of file
-      rewind(file);
-      boundary_element_count = 0;
-      element_count = 0;
-      // process header
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
-      fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
-      if (version_number!=2)
-         DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read version_number==2");
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
-      // node section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_nodes; i++)
-        {
-          int id;
-          double x,y,z;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %lg %lg %lg\n",&id,&x,&y,&z);
-          if (id!=i)
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected id " << i);
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
-      // element section
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
-      fscanf(file,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
-      for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
-        {
-          int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
-          fscanf(file,"%d %d %d",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
-          int physical_entity, elementary_entity, mesh_partition;
-          for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
-            {
-              int blub;
-              fscanf(file,"%d",&blub);
-              if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
-              if (k==2) elementary_entity = blub;
-              if (k==3) mesh_partition = blub;
-            }
-          std::vector<int> simplexVertices(10);
-          std::vector<unsigned int> vertices(10);
-          switch (elm_type)
-            {
-            case 2: // 3-node triangle
-                // Read the vertices but don't do anything with them.  Linear boundary segments
-                // are the default anyways.
-              simplexVertices.resize(3);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]));
-              vertices.resize(3);
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderLinearBoundarySegment<3>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]],nodes[simplexVertices[2]]));
-              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 9: // 6-node triangle
-              simplexVertices.resize(6);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                                    &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]));
-              vertices.resize(3);
-              for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices first three vertices
-              factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,new GmeshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment<3>(nodes[simplexVertices[0]],nodes[simplexVertices[1]],nodes[simplexVertices[2]],
-                                                                                  nodes[simplexVertices[3]],nodes[simplexVertices[4]],nodes[simplexVertices[5]]));
-              boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
-              boundary_element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 4: // 4-node tetrahedron
-              simplexVertices.resize(4);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),&(simplexVertices[3]));
-              vertices.resize(4);
-              for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
-              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            case 11: // 10-node tetrahedron
-              simplexVertices.resize(10);
-              fscanf(file,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",&(simplexVertices[0]),&(simplexVertices[1]),&(simplexVertices[2]),
-                     &(simplexVertices[3]),&(simplexVertices[4]),&(simplexVertices[5]),
-                     &(simplexVertices[6]),&(simplexVertices[7]),&(simplexVertices[8]),&(simplexVertices[9]));
-              vertices.resize(4);
-              for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
-                vertices[i] = renumber[simplexVertices[i]]; // renumber vertices
-              factory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim),vertices);
-              element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
-              element_count++;
-              break;
-            default:            
-              fgets(buf,512,file); // skip rest of line if no tetrahedron
-            }
-        }
-      fscanf(file,"%s\n",buf);
-      if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
-      fclose(file);
-      return factory.createGrid();
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-     \ingroup Gmesh
-     \brief Read Gmesh mesh file
-     Read a .msh file generated using Gmesh and construct a grid using the grid factory interface.
-   */
-  template<typename GridType>
-  class GmeshReader
-  {
-  public:
-    /** \todo doc me */
-    static GridType* read (const std::string& fileName, bool verbose = true)
-    { 
-      // make a grid factory
-      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory;
-      std::vector<int> boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
-      std::vector<int> element_index_to_physical_entity;
-      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
-                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
-                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
-    }
-    /** \todo doc me */
-    template<typename T>
-    static GridType* read (const std::string& fileName, std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
-                           std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity, bool verbose = true)
-    { 
-      // make a grid factory
-      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory;
-      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
-                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
-                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
-    }
-    /** \todo doc me */
-    static GridType* read (GridType& grid, const std::string& fileName, 
-                           bool verbose = true)
-    { 
-      // make a grid factory
-      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory(&grid);
-      // store dummy 
-      std::vector<int> boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
-      std::vector<int> element_index_to_physical_entity;
-      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
-                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
-                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
-    }
-    /** \todo doc me */
-    template<typename T>
-    static GridType* read (GridType& grid, const std::string& fileName, 
-                           std::vector<T>& boundary_id_to_physical_entity, 
-                           std::vector<T>& element_index_to_physical_entity,
-                           bool verbose = true)
-    { 
-      // make a grid factory
-      Dune::GridFactory<GridType> factory(&grid);
-      return GmeshReaderImp<GridType,GridType::dimension>::read(factory,fileName,verbose,
-                                                               boundary_id_to_physical_entity,
-                                                               element_index_to_physical_entity);
-    }
-  };
-  /** \} */
-} // namespace Dune

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* Oliver Sander                ** email: sander at mi.fu-berlin.de        *
* Freie Universität Berlin     ** phone: + 49 (30) 838 75348           *
* Institut für Mathematik      ** URL  : page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~sander  *
* Arnimallee 6                 ** -------------------------------------*
* 14195 Berlin, Germany        ** Member of MATHEON (www.matheon.de)   *

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