[Dune] [#658] Cannot get GeometryGrid with DiscreteCoordFunction to work

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Wed Nov 11 16:45:00 CET 2009


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#658 - Cannot get GeometryGrid with DiscreteCoordFunction to work
User who did this - Oliver Sander (sander)

Hi Martin!
Thanks for the quick reply.  I know that a) is no use, because my actual code uses Alberta.  I just switched to SGrid for a concise test case.  The problem is that you need to go through the interface class, which has subIndex only for codim==0.  b) specializing sounds more feasible.  I am only using vertices and elements anyways.

An example for CachedCoordFunction would be highly appreciated to, even though it will not help in my current problem (my deformation really is vertex-based).

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