[Dune] [#672] GridFactory: "BoundarySegments" for Elements

Dune dune at dune-project.org
Mon Nov 30 18:37:24 CET 2009


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#672 - GridFactory: "BoundarySegments" for Elements
User who did this - Andreas Dedner (dedner)

I have a question regarding this ''segment'' functions:
   A valid argument against the original boundary
   ids was, that they are user data and should not be part of the grid.
   It seems to me that the same could be said for the BoundarySegments.
   The reason I am asking is that any restart facility would have to
   be able to write the boundary segments to disk - since they are
   part of the grid. Since they are virtual functions this does not seem
   to be possible? The same problem holds for load balancing again
   I have to be able to write and read a boundary segment. 
   Why do we add segments to the grid factory instead of having them as
   user data accessible through the id sets or index sets or whatever the
   same as we are doing for boundary ids?

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