[Dune] Transition from SmartPointer to shared_ptr

Carsten Gräser graeser at math.fu-berlin.de
Thu Oct 15 17:11:02 CEST 2009

Jö Fahlke schrieb:
> Am Thu, 15. Oct 2009, 15:30:38 +0200 schrieb Markus Blatt:
>> If we think that some tr1 stuff is absolutely necessary, we might
>> think of dropping support for some older compilers instead.
> Well, we don't exactly need to drop support.  We would need to add a
> dependency on boost for those compilers not implementing tr1 themselves.
> Btw, what are the reasons for supporting the old compilers?  Do they compile
> faster?  Are there installations which have only the old ones?  Other reasons?

In my opinion the only reason is that there might be users that still use these
compiler version. Regarding gcc we claim to be compatible with version 3.4.1
which is more than 5 years old. The last release of the 3.4 series is still
more then 3.5 years old and a tr1 subset is present in 4.0.0 since 4.5 years.
If the situation is similar with other compilers (what about icc?) it is
a reasonable option to drop compatibility - especially if the boost implementation
can be used as drop in.

We also could do a user poll on the list to see who uses these old compilers
- perhaps this is simply no problem.


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