[Dune] [#771] configure generated gridtype.hh / dgfgridtype.hh

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Tue Apr 13 15:43:07 CEST 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#771 - configure generated gridtype.hh / dgfgridtype.hh
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

Now, at least we have some hints why this hack is considered bad by some people. Let me try to straighten a few things:

There was a statement of the mailing list  that this change needs discussion, which I quote here:
> Hi Martin!
> Isn't this change something we should discuss and vote upon?
> I am not saying that it is bad, but I would like to have time to think
> about it and object.  My first impression is that while creating
> gridtype.hh headers from m4 may(!) by a reasonable thing to,
> creating dgf-specific stuff is evil and I'd rather not have it.

> Also, please don't insert lines like the one below without a
> comment line.

> best,
> Oliver 
Till now, this discussion did not happen.

The preprocessor magic always required support from the build system to setup the automake variables. So we're only talking about the amount of m4 code. Moreover, if you don't want the magic, you don't have to let configure generate gridtype.hh / dgfgridtype.hh in your modules. It's entirely up to you.

There is no change in the requirement to support the preprocessor magic. Before the patch, a grid had to be entered into gridtype.hh by and to support the preprocessor magic (a quite tedious bit of work). Now, you just add one line to the m4 scripts. No grid developer has to add the grid, here.

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